Keep only flow based reads that are well-formed
Category Read Filters
Tests whether a flow based read is "well-formed" -- that is, is free of major internal inconsistencies and issues that could lead to errors downstream. If a read passes this filter, the rest of the engine should be able to process it without blowing up. Note that checks already present in WellformedReadFilter are not duplicated here.Well-formed flow based reads definition
- Flow order: read group must have flow order
- Quality: should be symtrical within each hmer.
- tp attribute: should be symtrical within each hmer.
- tp attribute: tp+hmer_length should be within [0, maxhmer],
- Hardclipped hmer: is excempted from above checks.
- ValidAlignmentStartReadFilter
- ValidAlignmentEndReadFilter
- AlignmentAgreesWithHeaderReadFilter
- HasReadGroupReadFilter
- MatchingBasesAndQualsReadFilter
- ReadLengthEqualsCigarLengthReadFilter
- SeqIsStoredReadFilter
- CigarContainsNoNOperator
- ReadGroupHasFlowOrderReadFilter
- HmerQualitySymetricReadFilter
- FlowBasedTPAttributeValidReadFilter
- FlowBasedTPAttributeSymetricReadFilter
Additional references
See these additional references.
GATK version built at Wed, 12 Oct 2022 21:04:44 -0400.
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