Genome Analysis Toolkit

Variant Discovery in High-Throughput Sequencing Data

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Problem with Germline CNV CollectReadCounts



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    file is empty. Could you check that? 

    If it is not empty it is possible that the file format is abnormal and cannot be recognized by gatk. 

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    firat zahid

    thank you for your answer. no it is not empty. 

    note: I have used the same bed file while generating bam file in "Gatk BaseRecalibrator" and in the first step of CNV calling "PreprocessIntervals" step.

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    Samuel Lee

    Can you check again whether test1.preprocessed.interval_list contains intervals (i.e., it may be non-empty because it only contains a sequence dictionary, but does not contain any intervals)?

    Given the following lines in your log, I suspect this might be the case (and I'm guessing @SkyWarrior did, too):

    09:46:21.932 INFO FeatureManager - Using codec IntervalListCodec to read file file:///mnt/d/gatk-
    09:46:21.940 INFO IntervalArgumentCollection - Processing 0 bp from intervals

    It is possible that the preprocessing steps performed by PreprocessIntervals on your original bed file resulted in an empty interval list?

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    Sara Franzelli

    Hello, I'm having a similar problem, have you found a solution? I checked my preprocessed.interval_list file, it is not empty and it also contains the intervals. I also have these lines in my log:

    17:13:15.144 INFO  CollectReadCounts - Initializing engine
    17:13:18.773 INFO  IntervalArgumentCollection - Processing 3117292070 bp from intervals
    17:13:18.847 INFO  CollectReadCounts - Done initializing engine
    17:13:18.850 INFO  CollectReadCounts - Shutting down engine
    [October 11, 2023 5:13:18 PM CEST] done. Elapsed time: 0.09 minutes.
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The string is null: string must not be null or empty
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    Gökalp Çelik

    Hi Sara Franzelli

    Can you post your whole commandline and log here as well? 

    This exception message is quite generic and does not seem like a regular GATK exception to us. 


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    Sara Franzelli

    I actually think I found the problem, my cram files didn't have the RG, so I used samtools addreplacerg to add it. Now I'm still testing it but it seems to work 

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    Gökalp Çelik

    Great that you solved your problem.

    Thank you for your feedback. 

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