Tool documentation for GATK release
CrosscheckFingerprints (Picard)
Checks that all data in the set of input files appear to come f... -
Denoises read counts to produce denoised copy ratios Catego... -
DepthOfCoverage (BETA)
Generate coverage summary information for reads data Catego... -
Depth of coverage of each allele per sample (AD) Category ... -
Depth of informative coverage for each sample (DP) Category... -
Determines the baseline contig ploidy for germline samples give... -
DiscoverVariantsFromContigAlignmentsSAMSpark (BETA)
(Internal) Examines aligned contigs from local assemblies and c... -
DownsampleSam (Picard)
Downsample a SAM or BAM file.This tool applies a downsampling a... -
EstimateLibraryComplexity (Picard)
Estimates the numbers of unique molecules in a sequencing libra... -
EvaluateInfoFieldConcordance (BETA)
Evaluate concordance of info fields in an input VCF against a v... -
Phred-scaled p-value for exact test of excess heterozygosity (E... -
ExtractIlluminaBarcodes (Picard)
Tool determines the barcode for each read in an Illumina lane. ... -
ExtractOriginalAlignmentRecordsByNameSpark (BETA)
Subsets reads by name Category Read Data Manipulation ... -
ExtractSequences (Picard)
Subsets intervals from a reference sequence to a new FASTA file... -
ExtractSVEvidenceSpark (BETA)
(Internal) Extracts evidence of structural variations from read... -
Create an alternative reference by combining a fasta with a vcf... -
Create snippets of a fasta file Category Reference ... -
FastqToSam (Picard)
Converts a FASTQ file to an unaligned BAM or SAM file.Output re... -
Featurized read sets for Mutect3 training data Category ... -
FifoBuffer (Picard)
Acts as a large memory buffer between processes that are connec... -
FilterAlignmentArtifacts (EXPERIMENTAL)
Filter alignment artifacts from a vcf callset. Category ... -
FilterFuncotations (EXPERIMENTAL)
Filter variants based on clinically-significant Funcotations. ... -
Filters intervals based on annotations and/or count statistics ... -
Filter somatic SNVs and indels called by Mutect2 Category ... -
FilterSamReads (Picard)
Subsets reads from a SAM or BAM file by applying one of several... -
Apply tranche filtering Category Variant Filtering ... -
FilterVcf (Picard)
Applies one or more hard filters to a VCF file to filter out ge... -
FindBadGenomicKmersSpark (BETA)
Identifies sequences that occur at high frequency in a referenc... -
FindBreakpointEvidenceSpark (BETA)
(Internal) Produces local assemblies of genomic regions that ma... -
FindMendelianViolations (Picard)
Takes in VCF or BCF and a pedigree file and looks for high conf...