Nur Adlina Binti Mohd Affian
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Recent activity by Nur Adlina Binti Mohd Affian Sort by recent activity-
Picard LiftOverVCF 100.0000% of variants were not successfully lifted over
Dear GATK team, I am currently running LiftoverVcf paramter to do a liftover from hg19 to hg38 on the normalize vcf file generated via "GtcToVcf" parameter. Upon running the script, I find out tha...
Error in Running command GtcToVcf
REQUIRED for all errors and issues: a) GATK version used: v4.4.0.0b) Exact command used: GtcToVcf -INPUT 206307460092_R07C01.gtc -REFERENCE_SEQUENCE hg19_v0_Homo_sapiens_assembly19.fasta -OUTPUT 20...
Error in Running command CreateExtendedIlluminaManifest
AnsweredHi GATK team, I am currently generating the extended manifest file using CreateExtendedIlluminaManifest in order to use GtcToVcf (Picard) for converting gtc file to vcf. However, while running Cre...