
Yiguan Wang

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    Yiguan Wang commented,

    Hi Genevieve, Whether I use  " -A StrandBiasBySample" or not seems no difference on my data.   gatk GenotypeGVCFs -R dmel-all-chromosome-r5.44.fasta \-V gatk_parent_offspring.g.vcf.gz \-L 2R:207682...

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    Yiguan Wang commented,

    Hi Genevieve, thanks a lot for your reply. I've read the post you mentioned, but I don't think it answers my confusion. I did some post-HaplotypeCaller filtering, but I am afraid it may not remove ...

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    Yiguan Wang commented,

    Hi Genevieve, I can confirm the SB annotation exists in the g.vcf file. But it disappears in the vcf file after using "GenotypeGVCFs".  Here is the example of vcf file: https://drive.google.com/fil...

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    Yiguan Wang created a post,

    Artificial haplotype generates a new variant for a homozygous site

    Hi,  I am using the following command to call variants: gatk HaplotypeCaller \ -R dmel-all-chromosome-r5.44.fasta \ -I ../121002_I637_FCD1B4GACXX_L1_SZAXPI015086-62.sort.noDup.realign.bam \ ...

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    Yiguan Wang commented,

    Hi Pichu, I encounter the same problem as you described. I failed to obtain the "SB" annotation in the VCF file. I am wondering have you solved your problem, and could you share your solutions? Tha...

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    Yiguan Wang commented,

    Currently working on Drosophila genomes, there isn't a known list of variants. Just wondering how to perform bootstrap to generate a set of known variants, is there a pipeline about that? Thanks in...