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Latest activity by zhaol-
zhaol commented,
Hi, Bhanu Gandham. First, I fixed BAM with the FixmateInformation program.After I fix BAM, I re-run the ValidatArray and ValidatesSamFile and no error messages are displayed. Second, I need to reco...
zhaol created a post,
ASEReadCounter java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0
When I ran AsereadCounter, BAM generated from RNA-seq and VCF generated from RNA-seq, but the error occurred. java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0 Then I ran validateSamFile and vlidateViant...
zhaol commented,
Hi, Genevieve Brandt. I re-generate the indexes for all of the vcf.gz files that are input to VariantRecalibrator and the issue has been solved. Thank you and the developer very much.
zhaol commented,
Hi Genevieve Brandt, the output is too long for this comment. So I choose a part of output-file and paste here. For my vcf.gz created by HaplotypeCaller: Block #742905 at file offset 9660186303- co...
zhaol commented,
Yes, I first delete the old index files and then reindex with IndexFeatureFile. But as I mentioned above, the error remains.
zhaol commented,
I don't know if this information is helpful to you. I directly ran VQSR with the VCF outputed by HaplotypeCaller, and no errors occurred. So, I guess the error happened because of GenotypeGVCFs? An...
zhaol commented,
Hi Genevieve Brandt! When I rerun this workflow, I encountered a similar error --htsjdk.samtools.SAMFormatException: Invalid GZIP header(still occur when running VariantRecalibrator). I remember I ...
zhaol commented,
Hi, Genevieve Brandt. Thank you for your help. I just solved the error. As you mentioned above, I have some problems with my index because I use tabix to index my VCF files from the HaplotypeCaller...
zhaol commented,
when I run ValidateVariants with both the zipped and unzipped versions, the result both are A USER ERROR has occurred: Input f1.hc.g.vcf.genotyped.gz fails strict validation of type ALL: one or mor...
zhaol commented,
Using GATK jar /home/zhaol/biosoft/gatk- -Dsamjdk.use_async_io_read_samtools=false -Dsamjdk.use_async_io_write_samtools=true -Dsamjdk.use_async_io_...