Ana Marija
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Ana Marija commented,
Hello, I did manage to transfer: new.anamaria.vcf.tar.gz but when I try to transfer to 2nd file: again.old.vcf.tar.gz I am getting the error in attach. Can you please let me know why does the...
Ana Marija commented,
Hi Genevieve, I did send my files via ftp server. Can you please check if you received them? One should be named new.vcf.tar.gz and another Nold.vcf.tar.gz I am not sure if Nold.vcf.tar.gz tran...
Ana Marija commented,
sorry for confusion. Let me please explain again: -the old genotype files prior imputation were build 36 and than after the imputation done in 2011 (using Mach) was still on build 36. I lifted thos...
Ana Marija commented,
They are both listed to Build 37 using this same file: hg18ToHg19.over.chain.gz downloaded from here: http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenpath/hg18/liftOver/ old is imputed genotypes done on http:...
Ana Marija commented,
are you advising me to do the bellow? gunzip old.vcf.gz gunzip new.vcf.gz gatk IndexFeatureFile --input new.vcf gatk IndexFeatureFile --input old.vcf and then run: gatk GenotypeConcordance CALL_V...
Ana Marija commented,
They are binary files so here it is: head old.vcf.gz.tbi?BCaT=?w\?????Uf?????Q??#"{%{?&{??$??=BrPf6?-??MY?{?w?~?????:???8n?????ݱq?t,Kz?Œ?k?X,????b?e?X?,?K5Ku????????ũ??????lqr?8U?8U?8?Z?jX?jZ?jY??Z...
Ana Marija commented,
Thank you for getting back to me, so this is what I did now. I removed all indexed files via: rm *tbi rm *csi Then I indexed it again: gatk IndexFeatureFile --input new.vcf.gz gatk IndexFeatureFile...
Ana Marija commented,
the another one was using: java -jar picard.jar GenotypeConcordance CALL_VCF=new.vcf.gz CALL_SAMPLE=0_fam0110_G110 O=gc_concordance.vcf TRUTH_VCF=old.vcf.gz TRUTH_SAMPLE=0_fam0110_G110 but the sa...
Ana Marija commented,
Hi Genevieve, actually I did index .gz files: so this is what I did: bgzip new.vcfbcftools index new.vcf.gz bgzip old.vcfbcftools index old.vcf.gz #SNP concordance module load apps/gatk-
Ana Marija commented,
Thank you! So does that means that if any SNP that has a mismatch falls into TP?