Patrícia H. Brito
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Patrícia H. Brito commented,
Hi Bhanu Gandham, After fighting with my pipeline I realized that there was an error in the sampleMap for some of the samples. I also added “--consolidate --reader-threads 4” to the GenomicsDBImpor...
Patrícia H. Brito commented,
Hi, I run SelectVariants on my database of 113 samples and the output is still a vcf file with 100 samples.I am checking the number of samples using bcftools query -l filename.vcf | wc -l
Patrícia H. Brito commented,
Hi, How can I access these WDS interval lists? "We make our WGS interval lists available, and the good news is that, as long as you're using the same genome reference build as us, you can use them ...
Patrícia H. Brito created a post,
Missing samples from the output vcf file produced with GenotypeGVCFs
Hi, I am using GenotypeGVCFs to perform joint genotyping from samples that I previously analyzed using HaplotypeCaller with the option -ERC GVCF. I created a genomics database using GenomicsDBImpor...