Jenny Xu
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Jenny Xu commented,
Hi Bob, thank you for the suggestion. By increasing the -h_vmem within jobNative parameter the job completes. The ticket can be closed now.
Jenny Xu commented,
Hi Bob, Here's the extracted related log file (number 13). I'd appreciate if you can help diagnosis of cause of error. Thank you.ERROR 11:27:49,881 FunctionEdge - Error: 'java' '-Xmx3072m' '-XX:+Us...
Jenny Xu commented,
Hi Bob, thanks for the detailed explanation and it makes total sense. Besides these suggestion, could you help troubleshoot - I am stuck (tried multiple times) at stage10 and the error message is u...
Jenny Xu commented,
Hi Bob, I have found out the invalid interval error is caused because in the previous SVPreprocess step I specified only a small region using -L chrXX:start_end, yet CNV -intervalList can only acce...
Jenny Xu commented,
HI Bob, After I added both -jobRunner and -gatkJobrunner Drmaa, it solves the lsf error. However, there are new errors complaining "invalid intervals", though I think those intervals are legitimate...
Jenny Xu created a post,
GenomeSTRiP CNVDiscoveryPipeline failed
AnsweredI am running the CVN pipeline commands on our HPC clusters, got error around lsf library - not sure if this is something I can solve since our clusters use sge and I don't have cluster admin permis...
Jenny Xu commented,
Thanks Bob. Adding the LB tag in the header solves the issue.
Jenny Xu created a post,
GenomeSTRiP SVPreprocess failed
AnsweredDear Forum member I downloaded latest version of GenomeStrip (Release 2.00.1982) and trying to run SVPreprocess on my genome files samples. I kept getting error about "Cannot determine library iden...
Jenny Xu commented,
Sure, command line like this: /path/to/gatk GenotypeConcordance --TRUTH_VCF truth.vcf.gz --CALL_VCF call.vcf.gz --OUTPUT test.out --TRUTH_SAMPLE truth_id --CALL_SAMPLE call_id --INTERVALS
Jenny Xu created a post,
[BUG] genotypceConcordance output details hom_ref:hom_ref combination of status is wrong
Hi, using gatk genotypeconcordance tool, I found in the output details file, the hom_ref, hom_ref state count is always 0, which is incorrect. My input are array-based genotyping converted...