
Robert Bremel

  • Total activity 48
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Recent activity by Robert Bremel Sort by recent activity Recent activity Votes
  • Funcotator problem

    I started two Docker containers of Funcotator this morning and they both crashed in about the same place.   I had started them earlier but they seemed to have finished quicker than they should have...

  • string length error generated by funcotator while processing a mutect2 vcf

    A string length error is generated by functator while processing a vcf from mutect2.   java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: begin 1086, end 1089, length 1086  (more below) funcotator stops a...

  • BuildBamIndex

    REQUIRED for all errors and issues: a) GATK version used: b) Exact command used: c) Entire program log: Have run this script many times previously but problem occurred with the 4.3.0 update After ...

  • Funcotator missing cDNA, Codon, and Protein Change for some chromosomes


      I am using the :latest  docker version of GATK, running on Docker Desktop on a high-end Windows 10 workstation with 128GB RAM I had a strange occurrence that seems to be a glitch in the system so...

  • Mysterious Funcotator issue


    If you are seeing an error, please provide(REQUIRED) : a) GATK version used: Docker 4.2.0 b) Exact command used: ./gatk Funcotator -R mydata/refs/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta -V mydata/PAAD_00034_...

  • Funcotator and mutect2 coordinate system

    If you are seeing an error, please provide(REQUIRED) : a) GATK version used: b) Exact command used: c) Entire error log: If not an error, choose a category for your question(REQUIRED):a)How do I (....

  • Can vcf file from mutect2 be used in RNAseq short variant discovery


    Can you please provide a) GATK version used b) Exact GATK commands used c) The entire error log if applicable. Docker gatk:latest The method suggested for RNAseq short variant discovery uses haplot...

  • mutect2 vcf header

    The  final three lines in the mutect2 header above the column headers is listed as: ##source=Mutect2##tumor_sample=N31May2020##tumor_sample=T31May2020 #CHROM POS ID REF ALT QUAL FILTER INFO FORMAT ...

  • Funcotator Appears to have completed but with RunTimeException

    Can you please provide a) GATK version used  Docker Exact GATK commands used Funcotator -R mydata/refs/Homo_sapiens_assembly19.fasta -V mydata/P62820/analysis/P62820_mutect2_filtered.vcf ...

  • How is tumor_f in Funcotator MAF


    Can you please provide a) GATK version used b) Exact GATK commands used c) The entire error log if applicable. Using most recent GATK docker. tumor_f is not one of the columns in the MAF specificat...