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madzayasodara created a post,
USER ERROR has occurred: Sorry, we only support a single reads input for for this spark tool.
When I run gatk HaplotypeCallerSpark -R newzf20/GCF_008822105.2_bTaeGut2.pat.W.v2_genomic.fa -I RSFV1A_match.bam -I RSFV1B_match.bam -L NC_044998.1 --stand-call-conf 30 -mbq 20 --spark-runner LOCA...
madzayasodara commented,
Hello Genevieve-Brandt-she-her I managed to get rid of that error. I forgot to module load the needed python version and source my env in my slurm submission module load python/3.7.4source ~/Pyspa...
madzayasodara commented,
Hello Genevieve-Brandt-she-her, gotcha. Just few things I'm confused. There's no bam/sam file before this one I tested. Before that, I had fastq files I aligned with BWA. I also noticed this in th...
madzayasodara commented,
Hi Genevieve-Brandt-she-her I checked the bam files I had generated by aligning my reads using bwa mem -R '@RG\tID:firstrun\tSM:RSFV1A\tPL:illumina\tLB:lib1\tPU:005' -p newzf20/GCF_008822105.2_bTa...
madzayasodara commented,
Thank you :) This is weird my vcf check fails even when I call variants using HaplotypeCaller This is the cmd I use to call gatk HaplotypeCaller -R GCF_008822105.2_bTaeGut2.pat.W.v2_genomic.fa -I ...
madzayasodara created a post,
Which exact info does BaseRecalibrator uses from a vcf?
I'm wondering if I can use a vcf generated from ANGSD to recalibrate bases using BaseRecalibrator. Which info the program actually extract from the vcf to run the recalibration? ANGSD vcf output h...
madzayasodara commented,
Gotcha! Thanks
madzayasodara commented,
See if I understood: GATK4 HaplotypeCaller can't multithread like GATK3 HaplotypeCaller, as GATK4 HP won't accept neither options -nct or -nt. The multithreading version of GATK4 HaplotypeCaller is...
madzayasodara commented,
Not the same but related. It seems that yes if I am doing -nct 4, and request -c 4 in my SlLURM submission, the program will do one thread per core and performance will scale accordingly. Thank you
madzayasodara commented,
Hello, yeah still get the same error either by using HaplotypeCaller or HaplotypeCallerSpark Error: Failed to load org.broadinstitute.hellbender.Main: org/apache/logging/log4j/core/appender/Abstrac...