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Votes on activity by SkyWarrior Sort by votes-
Completely compatible. Use ILLUMINA as platform tag in sam file. Picard or GATK does not accept MGI as platform name. General base quality and call metrics are very compatible with earlier ILLUMINA...
Looks like I found the solution to this problem but this may only be a temporary solution so devs please check this requirement of gatk environment and merge a solution. This gatk conda environmen...
Hi paalmbj Short answer: Don't even bother. Long and convoluted answer: There may be a duct tape solution you may try. Check 1000G whole exome files however the capture kit compatibility will be a...
Not with short read sequencing technologies. 3N does not always mean 3 different haplotypes BTW. 3 copies of the same haplotype or 2 copies of one haplotype and 1 copy of another haplotype can also...
3000 genomes seems to be too much. How much memory do you have available for this analysis? Also have you tried the docker version of gatk especially (latest one compatible with skylake and...
You may want to use OpenJDK Hotspot instead of OpenJ9. Can you check with AdoptOpenJDK?
This is a galaxy wrapper fault not GATK.
Hi Ram All my samples are in-house clinical samples validated using other orthogonal methods. I routinely check the results of all the cohort samples once new members are added and I observe the ch...
Hi Salvatore Loguercio Latest SAM Spec indicates the below comment PL | Platform/technology used to produce the reads. Valid values: CAPILLARY, DNBSEQ (MGI/BGI),ELEMENT, HELICOS, ILLUMINA, IONTORR...
Hi William Miklavcic Looks like your archnemesis lies with your heap size. Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space It is better if you can set java options with highe...