
Dr. Oppenheim

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    Dr. Oppenheim commented,

    Further update:Using the same dataset combined using CombineGVCFs, the GenotypeGVCFs job runs fine. Can anyone suggest an explanation???

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    Dr. Oppenheim commented,

    UPDATE: After testing a bunch of things, I have determined that if I run GenotypeGVCFs on a single sample gvcf file, or if I run GenotypeGVCFs on a multi-sample gvcf generated with CombineGVCFs, it...

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    Dr. Oppenheim created a post,

    GenotypeGVCFs hangs at GenomicsDBLibLoader

    Greetings, I am dying of frustration. I have been running GATK on several different servers and on ONE server I have problems with ONE tool. The problem is with GenotypeGVCFs. I am using a Genomics...