Goran Rakocevic
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Latest activity by Goran Rakocevic-
Goran Rakocevic commented,
Hi Gökalp Çelik Thanks! I'm actually hoping to get both known sites and regular active site detection results, I thought that's what passing in alleles did? I'm calling a number lower coverage gen...
Goran Rakocevic created a post,
gvcf in Dragen mode and GenomicsDBImport
Hi, I'm running HC in Dragen mode (using broadinstitute/gatk: docker image): gatk --java-option -Xmx4g HaplotypeCaller \ -R <reference> \ -I <input_bam> \ -O <output_gvcf> \ --dr...
Goran Rakocevic commented,
Hi Laura Gauthier Thanks! I didn't mean to shove 15,000 BAMs into a single HC call. I was thinking of maybe doing random batches of 50 or so... That will cause batch effects, just wondering if tha...
Goran Rakocevic created a post,
Low coverage WGS data
Hi All, I'll be looking at calling variants on a cohort of ~15,000 low coverage genomes (1-2x). I searched the forums and found that the recommendation is to use the regular best practices in t...