
Wondessen Ayalew

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    Wondessen Ayalew commented,

    I used this "gatk VariantAnnotator -R reference.fasta -V input.vcf -O output.vcf --dbsnp dbSNP.vcf". Still, the problem is existing in my vcf file.

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    Wondessen Ayalew commented,

    Could you please send me the full command and suggest me by what tool am I going to annotate it?  I am quite new for Bioinformatics. Thank you so much!

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    Wondessen Ayalew commented,

    Am I suppose to repeat the haplotype caller stage again?

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    Wondessen Ayalew commented,

    So what shall I do now? I do have 150 samples and it takes more than  6 month. Is there any way to solve at this stage?

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    Wondessen Ayalew commented,

    Hello SkyWarrior, When I run BQSR, I used dbSNPs while during HaplotypeCaller I did not use --dbSNP option. Now, I use -D dbSNP when I try to combine individual VCF files and still the ID part is m...

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    Wondessen Ayalew created a post,

    VCF file SNP ID missing

    REQUIRED for all errors and issues: a) GATK version used:  GATK 4.3.0b) Exact command used:  I used the command stated on gatk4.3.0 without any modifications and I  combine and genotyped my vcf fil...

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    Wondessen Ayalew commented,

    Dear Dr, Genevieve Brandt, I got the same problem form GATK4.3.0. Based on your suggestion, I run "VariantRecalibrator model" and the problem still persists. Is there any other way to fix such prob...

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    Wondessen Ayalew commented,

    While i am running haplotypecaller, it took more than 6 days for one sample to generate g.vcf file. Menwhile, I am convinced to call only the MT variants and continue the nuclear variants later. Wo...

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    Wondessen Ayalew commented,

    Dear David, Thank you for your kind replay. When I check the recalibrated bam file MT is avilable.

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    Wondessen Ayalew created a post,


    REQUIRED for all errors and issues: a) GATK version used: GATK4.3  b) Exact command used: gatk ApplyBQSR -R ../reference/Bos_taurus.ARS-UCD1.2.dna.toplevel.fa -I ../data/mapped/ABigar/Abi1_dedup.ba...