Priyadarshini Thirunavukkarasu
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Recent activity by Priyadarshini Thirunavukkarasu Sort by recent activity-
Confirming variants
Hello, I performed whole exome analysis using GATK pipeline. After annotation of variant using annovar, I performed these steps: Filtered variants that have passed all filters Using Gnomad_exome_a...
False negatives in variant evaluation step
AnsweredI have whole exome data from 6 subjects. I followed the GATK pipeline for preprocessing, then joint genotyped and hard filtered the variants using the default thresholds. I did variant evaluation u...
Error exporting GVCF
AnsweredHello Please find the code used for exporting GVCF to genomic database and the error as well. I tried renaming the interval list file but still get the error. Please advice Version: GATK/
Reference genome to create intervals list
Hello I have short read exome data. For creating intervals, I converted the reference fasta file to reference bed file and used this bed file as list of intervals. I used this intervals list for s...
Intrerval list from bed file
Hello I am trying to convert my bed file as intervals list. My reference dictionary and bed file are from same genomic build GRCh38. But still it gives the below error java -jar $EBROOTPICARD/pic...
Individual versus joint variant calling
Hello I need a suggestion. I have exome data of 6 subjects. As the sample size is very less, should we do variant calling on every sample rather than joint variant calling?. As joint variant callin...
Filter variants
Hello I am running convolutional neural networks to filter variants ( Is this step computationally intensive step, i...
Running CNN Score Variants
Hello I am running GATK/ When I try to run the CNNScoreVariants, I get the below error: python exited with 1Command Line: python -c import gatktoolStdout: Stderr: Traceb...
Funcotator data source
Hello I loaded the GATK How to extract data sources using the below command: FuncotatorDataSourceDownloader --germline --validate-integrity --extract-after-download I get the following err...
Base recalibration
Hello I need suggestions in creating index and dictionary with vcf files. For the base recalibration step, I downloaded Homo_sapiens_assembly38.known_indels.vcf.gz from the given link: https://cons...