Charity Goeckeritz
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Votes on activity by Charity Goeckeritz Sort by votes-
HaplotypeCaller traversing all chromosomes, but they aren't in the output gvcf...
Hi there, I am using HaplotypeCaller in GATK v I am giving each run 34Gb of memory and 12 threads, but each run hardly makes it through chromosome 2 (there are 17 total chromosomes) give...
How do I know if the PED file is actually being used...?
Hi there, I have a few questions surrounding how the pedigree information works... I have 13 samples: mom, dad, and 11 progeny. The organism is a plant where sex is irrelevant. 1. (How does / Doe...
Equivalent tool for MergeBamAlignment's Primary_Alignment_Strategy=Most Distant?
Hi there, I have an allopolyploid genome that is mostly phased. I've mapped 150bp PE reads to this genome, and there's of course -- a ton of multimappings. I used BWA-MEM for this with the -M flag...