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Mutect2 Funcotator error0 votes 31 comments
Mutect2-PON Storage object issue when running across multiple samples?0 votes 30 comments
java.lang.OutofMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded Answered0 votes 28 comments
Funcotator errors0 votes 27 comments
Mutect2 issue with --force-active: not all regions are active Answered1 vote 25 comments
Artefactual calls using Mutect2 on RNAseq data Answered0 votes 25 comments
Why do a clear expected variant not show up in the Mutect2 vcf file Answered0 votes 20 comments
The depth of SNV/InDels calculated by Mutect2 in GATK4.2.0.0 is much lower than real sequencing depth, why? Answered0 votes 19 comments
Empty final PON vcf file from 7 samples Answered0 votes 18 comments
Mutect2 PON - gnomAD input?0 votes 18 comments
CalculateContamination: Multiple KernelSegmenter warnings0 votes 17 comments
Mutect2 doesn't produce stats file0 votes 17 comments
Broad hg38 ICE interval list Answered3 votes 17 comments
Error while running ModelSegments Answered0 votes 15 comments
Mutect2 PoN - GenomicsDBImport creates empty DB Answered0 votes 15 comments
Mutect2 multi-sample pipeline0 votes 15 comments
Increased number of false positives in Mutect2 GATK votes 15 comments
Mutect2 MISSING Low Frequency key (TP53 and KRAS) mutations1 vote 15 comments
Creating Panel of Normals (PoN) from Blood Sample of cancer patients Answered1 vote 14 comments
In Mutect2 force-calling allele via --alleles does not force-call the allele Answered0 votes 14 comments
Issues with Java heap space in CollectAllelicCounts0 votes 14 comments
Mutect2 - somatic variant calling with/without matched normal sample1 vote 14 comments
Mutect 2 Does not Finish or Create Stats Stops Abruptly without errors0 votes 13 comments
Problems in subsampling reads for Mutect2 with --max-reads-per-alignment-start Answered1 vote 13 comments
GGA-mode gives PASS tag while the site failed in the normal workflow0 votes 13 comments
Funcotator data source not correct Answered0 votes 13 comments
Option "--dont-use-soft-clipped-bases" does not seem to work in Mutect20 votes 13 comments
Picard Liftover hg38 to hg19 Error. Answered0 votes 13 comments
Mutect2 - Need one or two reads to construct a fragment0 votes 13 comments
Why do I get 'java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Dictionary cannot have size zero' when using GetPileupSummaries? Answered0 votes 12 comments