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Variant Discovery in High-Throughput Sequencing Data

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Error, ShouldNeverReachHereException, FuncotationMap in FilterFuncotations



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    Genevieve Brandt (she/her)

    Hi Joyce Anon,

    It looks like you are getting this FilterFuncotations because there is an issue with the INFO field in your VCF. Could you make sure that the VCF is valid with our tool ValidateVariants?

    There could also be a version mismatch between Funcotator and FilterFuncotations. Could you verify that you kept the version consistent?



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    Joyce Anon

    Yes, ValidateVariants completed with no particular messages. No changes of any kind were made between running the two tools.

    I did update something small, and also SciPy, in order to get one of the first two tools to work. I don't remember exactly what.

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    Genevieve Brandt (she/her)

    Thanks Joyce. Did you run ValidateVariants on the exact input to this FilterFuncotations tool?

    One of my colleagues who is even more familiar with this tool is going to take a second look, but it might be a couple days before they have a chance. I'll keep you posted!

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    Joyce Anon

    Yes, they both had the same input file. Thank you, I appreciate it. I have to get this working one way or another.

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    Genevieve Brandt (she/her)

    Hi Joyce Anon,

    I still don't have an update to share, I think we'll have a chance to take another look early next week.



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    Joyce Anon


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    Genevieve Brandt (she/her)

    Hi Joyce Anon,

    Thank you for your patience while I looked into this issue further. We think that this might be a bug in the code, so would you be able to share your input VCF file to FilterFuncotations so we can determine where the issue is coming from? Here's the github issue ticket:

    Here are the instructions for how to upload a bug report:

    In the meantime, run Funcotator with the option --output-file-format MAF to get a MAF format with functional annotations. This file format is a .tsv data type and is easier to parse. You can filter this file for the variant classification field you are looking for. If re-running Funcotator won't work, one other option is to convert your Funcotator VCF output to MAF format. We don't have an official tool, but could potentially send you an internal script we have used.

    Let me know when you have uploaded the file and if you have other questions!



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    Joyce Anon

    If I upload the VCF file, is it publicly accessible? I'd rather keep it private.

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    Genevieve Brandt (she/her)

    Joyce Anon it is private. Just the GATK team can access the data for testing. 

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    Joyce Anon

    When I try to load in a browser or ping, I get a time out. I waited a few days, but still the same. Is there some particular way I need to use it?

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    Genevieve Brandt (she/her)

    Joyce Anon I just checked and on our end I did not see any new files. You won't be able to load the ftp server because it is private.  But it is possible to upload a file to the ftp server and we will be able to access that file.

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    Joyce Anon

    That's because I couldn't find a way to use it. Is there some particular way I need to use it? I don't have much energy, because of the extreme lifelong health issues that I need to identify.

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    Genevieve Brandt (she/her)

    I'm sorry you're having issues with it. There isn't anything extra you need to know besides the instructions on our site:

    There are a number of different articles online with instructions about uploading a file to an FTP server, here is a simple one if you haven't seen it yet.

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    Joyce Anon

    The articles aren't useful, the one in the link doesn't work and I am bad at selecting from lists of options. However, I have found how to do it, it's rather obscure and unintuitive. It took me 17 days of searching...

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    Joyce Anon

    Uploaded as Joyce1NebulaFuncotatorAnnotated.vcf and Joyce1NebulaFuncotatorAnnotated.vcf.idx

    I don't know how to do the snippet thing since I don't think it's caused by a position, and I don't have the energy / cognitive function right now anyway.

    Thanks for the help!

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    Genevieve Brandt (she/her)

    Thanks Joyce Anon, we'll take a look.

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    Joyce Anon

    Any ideas about what is wrong?

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    Joyce Anon

    Do you have any information yet about the nature of the bug, so that I might continue my health care and try to improve my lifelong disabilities?

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    Genevieve Brandt (she/her)

    Joyce Anon I don't have any updates at this time, we're still looking into it. 

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    Joyce Anon

    Thank you, I will also keep looking.

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    Nixon Raj

    I am getting the same error in GATK v4.5.0.0, is this error been resolved??

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    Joyce Anon

    They never got back to me.

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    Louis Bergelson

    Hello, I'm sorry this has been outstanding for so long.  It's definitely a bug.  There's an open issue here (  It looks like it took a while for test data to be available and we lost track of it during the interim.  

    A complete guess is that there may be an issue relatated to quoting the fields in the vcf that's causing parsing to go awry but we'll have to look into it more.  

    Our primary funcotator developer is out with a baby so it might take us a bit longer to find the answer.  

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    Joyce Anon

    That's okay, I diagnosed my disease almost a year ago, it's extremely rare and probably due to novel variants, it didn't show on any other DNA analyses either. Thank you for the update.

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