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Variant Discovery in High-Throughput Sequencing Data

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Developed in the Data Sciences Platform at the Broad Institute, the toolkit offers a wide variety of tools with a primary focus on variant discovery and genotyping. Its powerful processing engine and high-performance computing features make it capable of taking on projects of any size. Learn more

CNNScoreVariants Issues with environment and Java version



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    Genevieve Brandt (she/her)

    Hi Kathrin B,

    How are you setting up your environment? Is this with Docker?



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    Kathrin B

    Hi Genevieve, sorry for the late reply! No, I'm not using Docker as I'm connecting to a HPCC where I don't have admin privileges. I followed the article here to set up the environment. 

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    Genevieve Brandt (she/her)

    Kathrin B could you try using bioconda?

    It looks like it might be more up to date and lead to fewer issues. Let me know how it goes!

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    Kathrin B

    Genevieve Brandt (she/her), I switched to bioconda, but I'm still struggling with the environment. Do I have to create one myself?

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    Genevieve Brandt (she/her)

    Hi Kathrin B,

    I was going back and forth with my colleagues regarding the best way for you to get your environment set up. We thought bioconda might work on easily, but we don't have an environment we maintain. 

    I think the easiest thing for your situation is to use the Conda environment that you mentioned was already working, you just had to manually update the Java version. The Conda environment shouldn't change the java version, so it might be something with your HPCC that is changing the java version when you start up your Conda environment. I'm not quite sure without getting into the details though, so it might be worth asking the team who sets up java on your HPCC. 

    Let me know if you have any other questions.



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    Kathrin B

    Hi Genevieve Brandt (she/her),

    Thank you so much for your help with this. Everything was messed up after installing the conda environment, but I finally got it to work again, and I'll just proceed as you suggested and update Java manually.

    Thanks again!

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