Genome Analysis Toolkit

Variant Discovery in High-Throughput Sequencing Data

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Developed in the Data Sciences Platform at the Broad Institute, the toolkit offers a wide variety of tools with a primary focus on variant discovery and genotyping. Its powerful processing engine and high-performance computing features make it capable of taking on projects of any size. Learn more

Estimate genotype proportions from filtered variants



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    Daniel Castañeda Mogollón

    Is the -bamout option from the VariantCaller doing that maybe? I realized what I am asking for is something doable from the HaplotypeCaller. Would it work if I obtain a bamout file from my filtered variantes to calculate this proportion?

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    Genevieve Brandt (she/her)

    Hi Daniel Castañeda Mogollón,

    I am a bit confused about the information you are looking for here. What do you mean by this?

    SNP1 - SNP2 proportion

    WT1 - SNP2 proportion

    SNP1 - WT2 propotion

    WT1 - WT2 proportion

    Could you explain further the meaning of your questions?

    The -bamout option is a great tool for troubleshooting individual variant sites to see what the reads look like that support the variant. There will only be regions in the bamout that have variant sites.



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    Daniel Castañeda Mogollón

    Hi Genevieve,

    Thanks for your response. Of course, allow me to elaborate!

    In my P. falciparum gene of interest there are two mutants that are known to confer resistance to a treatment. These two mutants are characterized by a single SNP in two different nucleotide positions. Fortunately for me,  these two positions differ by less than 200 bp from each other, and because I used an Illumina instrument (2x250) I know that theoretically I should be able to retrieve only those reads spanning these two SNPs after I perform the VariantFiltration step. Therefore I am interested in retrieving only those reads and compare how many of them support the SNP or the reference wild type. For simplicity, let's assume the SNP positions are in base pair #1 and base pair #200

    R = nucleotide same as reference (wild type)

    * = SNP (mutant)

    In the example above (assuming I only have 10 reads), I would be getting the following genotype proportions:

    Position (bp)
      1 2 3 ... 198 199 200 201
    Read number                
    1 * R R ... R R * R
    2 * R R ... R R * R
    3 R R R ... R R * R
    4 R R R ... R R R R
    5 R R R ... R R R R
    6 R R R ... * R R R
    7 * R R ... R R R R
    8 * R R ... R R R R
    9 * R R ... R R R R
    10 R R * ... R R R R

    Genotype #1 (SNP at position 1 AND SNP at position 200) = 20%

    Genotype #2 (Reference at position 1 AND SNP at position 200) = 10%

    Genotype #3 (Reference at position 1 AND reference at position 200) = 40%

    Genotype #4 (SNP at position 1 AND reference at position 200) = 30%


    I hope this makes sense! We are interested in the proportions of these combinations spanning two nucleotide positions to see how many intra-host parasites are in there.


    Thanks again,

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    Genevieve Brandt (she/her)

    Thank you Daniel Castañeda Mogollón, I'm not sure we have a specific GATK tool that can do this. I'll reach out to my team to get their insight, it may take me some time to get an answer on this.

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    Genevieve Brandt (she/her)

    Hi Daniel Castañeda Mogollón,

    I have an update regarding your question. I don't think you need a specific tool for measuring this, because you can probably use the Allele Depth for what you are trying to measure. Here's the tool doc page for this annotation:



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