FindBreakpointEvidenceSpark sudden shutdown
AnsweredHi, I am trying to run the tool FindBreakpointEvidenceSpark. I have successfully produced the required kmers and the tool seems to run for several minutes until it finally stops without producing output.
I have read in past issues that memory usage might be a problem and have tried to accomodate for it using the -Xmx option.
a) GATK version used: gatk4: through singularity (/cvmfs/
b) Exact command used:
singularity exec /cvmfs/ gatk --java-options "-Xmx75g -DGATK_STACKTRACE_ON_USER_EXCEPTION=true" FindBreakpointEvidenceSpark \
-R /mnt/SCRATCH/domniman/references/ssa_selected/Simon_Final2021_Ssa_selected.fa -I /mnt/SCRATCH/domniman/2014G_NO_Males_1169_D03_RG.bam \
--aligner-index-image /mnt/SCRATCH/domniman/references/ssa_selected/Simon_Final2021_Ssa_selected.fa.img \
--kmers-to-ignore /mnt/users/domniman/ag_fish/kmers_to_ignore.txt -O /mnt/SCRATCH/domniman/assembly.sam \
--tmp-dir /mnt/SCRATCH/domniman/tmp -L ssa03
Entire error log:
Due to length of the complete log (37.671 lines) I attach it as a separate link:
Hi Domniki Manousi,
Thank you for writing in and bringing this to our attention. It looks like this could be a bug so I have created a ticket on github so that our developers can take a look.
You can track the progress here:
Hi Domniki Manousi,
I have an update from our development team. We are wondering if you have unmapped reads in the BAM? This tool is meant to be run on a BAM aligned to a reference file.
dear Genevieve Brandt (she/her)
thank you for you fast reply
the bam file was originally aligned to the same reference file that I used on the tool.
I tried using samtools to retain only mapped reads on the .bam file and re-run FindBreakpointEvidenceSpark, however that did not improve the situation.Best,
Domniki -
Thanks for replying directly - let me know if you need anything else.
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