hs37d5 genome in the GATK bundle
AnsweredFollowing a previous post: BaseRecalibrator - no suitable codecs – GATK (broadinstitute.org)
I think that my problem lies on not choosing correctly the reference genome for my samples. I was given the samples without the reference genome FASTA file. My samples come from the 1000 Genome Project Phase 3. With a bit of research I discovered that the reference genome for these samples were the hs375d reference genome.
Is this reference genome available in the GATK-bundle (FASTA and VCFs with known variants) ?
Thank you.
Hi Rea Kalampaliki,
All of our resources available are outlined on our Resource Bundle page: https://gatk.broadinstitute.org/hc/en-us/articles/360035890811-Resource-bundle.
I believe most of our resources are Grch38/hg38 and b37/hg19, unfortunately. I'm not familiar with hs375d so I'm not sure where you can find resources for that reference version.
Thank you,
Homo_sapiens_assembly19_1000genomes_decoy_Homo_sapiens_assembly19_1000genomes_decoy.fasta seems to match to hs37d5.
Great! Glad you found what you were looking for.
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