What should I do with vcf file now
I have called SNVs with Mutect2, now I filter column of a file called filtered vcf I have a lot of things like
> length(unique(filtered.vcf$FILTER)) [1] 409 >
> unique(filtered.vcf$FILTER) [1] "germline" [2] "PASS" [3] "clustered_events" [4] "clustered_events;panel_of_normals" [5] "weak_evidence" [6] "haplotype" [7] "base_qual;haplotype" [8] "clustered_events;germline;haplotype" [9] "base_qual;clustered_events;germline;haplotype" [10] "clustered_events;haplotype" [11] "clustered_events;haplotype;weak_evidence" [12] "base_qual;clustered_events;haplotype" [13] "haplotype;map_qual"
I don't know I should keep PASS ones or what else
I supposed the filtered.vcf output contains only the filtered events
Help me please
Hi mina ming,
All variants are listed in the VCF file but only variants marked with PASS have passed filtering. You can read more about the filter column in this article: https://gatk.broadinstitute.org/hc/en-us/articles/360035531692-VCF-Variant-Call-Format
If you want the filtered VCF with only your filtered variants, you can fun Funcotator with --remove-filtered-variants true or SelectVariants with --exclude-filtered true.
Please let me know if you have further questions.
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