gatk4- Fixmate Error
AnsweredI would be grateful If I could get help regarding this error. runningOnComputeEngine
INFO: Failed to detect whether we are running on Google Compute Engine.
[Mon Jan 24 14:04:00 CET 2022] Executing as shazia@shazia-PT on Linux 5.13.0-27-generic amd64; OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_152-release-1056-b12; Deflater: Intel; Inflater: Intel; Provider GCS is available; Picard version: Version:
INFO 2022-01-24 14:04:00 FixMateInformation Output will be sorted by queryname
INFO 2022-01-24 14:04:00 FixMateInformation Traversing query name sorted records and fixing up mate pair information.
[Mon Jan 24 14:04:00 CET 2022] picard.sam.FixMateInformation done. Elapsed time: 0.00 minutes.
To get help, see
htsjdk.samtools.SAMException: Found two records that are paired, not supplementary, and first of the pair: E00591:309:H7L2KCCX2:7:1101:10003:12947
at htsjdk.samtools.SamPairUtil$SetMateInfoIterator.advance(
at htsjdk.samtools.SamPairUtil$
at htsjdk.samtools.SamPairUtil$
at picard.sam.FixMateInformation.doWork(
at picard.cmdline.CommandLineProgram.instanceMain(
at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.cmdline.PicardCommandLineProgramExecutor.instanceMain(
at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.Main.runCommandLineProgram(
at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.Main.mainEntry(
at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.Main.main(
Hi Abrish,
This looks like an issue with your reads in the BAM file. I found some hits on google containing explanations and possible solutions. There's more out there too if you search htsjdk.samtools.SAMException: Found two records that are paired, not supplementary, and first of the pair: E00591:309:H7L2KCCX2:7:1101:10003:12947.
Ok, Thank you so much. I will check.
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