Values for InbreedingCoeff annotation not detected for ANY training variant
AnsweredWhen I use gatk VariantRecalibrator module to call germline mutation, a error occurred:
A USER ERROR has occurred: Bad input: Values for InbreedingCoeff annotation not detected for ANY training variant in the input callset. VariantAnnotator may be used to add these annotations.
I called germline mutation (WES data) as documented by offical web step by step from HaplotypeCaller →GenomicsDBImport →GenotypeGVCFs →VariantRecalibrator , the first three steps operated successfully, except the VariantRecalibrator, error occurred as as above mentioned.
Hi chenglei,
VariantRecalibrator requires that the variants in your input VCF file are annotated to build a model of how likely each variant is to be a true variant. It seems you are getting this error because your variant file has not been annotated. Can you run VariantAnnotator on your VCF file and then re-run VariantRecalibrator to see if this gets rid of the error?
Kind regards,
I have a similar problem. In my case, running VariantRecalibrator in SNP mode works but INDEL mode gives the error message given by chenglei
Please advice.
Hi Vincent Appiah,
Did you yet try to run VariantAnnotator to annotate the INDELs?
Genevieve Brandt (she/her). I guess I have to annotated with Mills_100G_standard_indels file.
Genevieve Brandt (she/her) I resolved the issue. Looking the GATK best practises , I realised my command was not working because I had less than 10 samples. I had to remove the -an InbreedingCoeff option. And the command worked.
Oh I see! I'm glad you found a resolution, thanks for posting your solution.
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