Genome Analysis Toolkit

Variant Discovery in High-Throughput Sequencing Data

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ArtificialHaplotypeRG makes variant heterozygous



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    Genevieve Brandt (she/her)

    Hi Wiebe Kooistra,

    HaplotypeCaller does local realignment so the counts before and after at a specific site will not always match. Could you check how many of the reads are marked with ArtificialHaplotype in the RG field?



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    Wiebe Kooistra

    Hi Genevieve-Brandt-she-her

    I did read about the local realignment. There are 173 ArtificialHaplotypeRG's marked sequences. That the numbers don't add up I understand, I was just wondering why my homozygous SNP for the alternative allele is getting so much heterozygous scores in the Artificial Haplotype RGs?



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    Genevieve Brandt (she/her)

    Could you share the GVCF or VCF output line? It may help me better understand why the bamout appears like this.

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    Wiebe Kooistra


    Sure. Here is the VCF output line: SL4.0ch11 25548831 . T C,A 4.09785e+06 PASS AC=1,0;AF=0.523,0.006162;AN=2;BaseQRankSum=-0.295;DP=257674;ExcessHet=-0;FS=0;InbreedingCoeff=0.6408;MLEAC=819,8;MLEAF=0.713,0.006969;MQ=60;MQRankSum=0;QD=34.5;ReadPosRankSum=-0.269;SOR=2.688GT:AD:DP:FT:GQ:PL 0/1:41,91,0:132:PASS:99:1045,0,601,1162,800,1962

    The gVCF output line is: SL4.0ch11 25548831 . T C,<NON_REF> 1037.60 . BaseQRankSum=8.323;DP=374;ExcessHet=3.0103;MLEAC=1,0;MLEAF=0.500,0.00;MQRankSum=0.000;RAW_MQandDP=1346400,374;ReadPosRankSum=-0.517 GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL:SB 0/1:41,91,0:132:99:1045,0,601,1162,800,1962:41,0,91,0

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    Genevieve Brandt (she/her)

    Thanks for sharing these lines! 

    The bamout is a debugging tool meant to view the local reassembly of HaplotypeCaller and understand the called haplotypes. The reads marked with ArtificialHaplotypeRG are not real reads and are constructed by HaplotypeCaller during the local realignment step. You don't need to worry about these reads in the bamout and can remove them from the view if you want.

    Otherwise, it looks like this site ended up being called because of the local realignment here. After local realignment, HaplotypeCaller found 41 reads in support of of T and 91 reads in support of C. 

    If you think that this haplotype should not have been called, you can try some troubleshooting methods following this document: When HaplotypeCaller and Mutect2 do not call an expected variant. I would recommend trying --linked-de-bruijn graph and also making sure your GATK version is up to date.

    Hopefully this helps you to understand your results. Let me know if you have any follow up questions.



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