Genome Analysis Toolkit

Variant Discovery in High-Throughput Sequencing Data

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Developed in the Data Sciences Platform at the Broad Institute, the toolkit offers a wide variety of tools with a primary focus on variant discovery and genotyping. Its powerful processing engine and high-performance computing features make it capable of taking on projects of any size. Learn more

Artificial haplotype generates a new variant for a homozygous site



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    Yiguan Wang

    Hi Genevieve, thanks a lot for your reply.

    I've read the post you mentioned, but I don't think it answers my confusion. I did some post-HaplotypeCaller filtering, but I am afraid it may not remove these variants. As I showed in the example, "3R:10209297 GT:AD:DP:GQ:PL     0/1:17,39:56:99:1586,0,568" is a high quality variant. 

    I also followed the Refinement workflow to do "CalculateGenotypePosteriors" and "VariantAnnotator" providing a pedigree file which includes Father+Mother + 12 Children. I find many "hiConfDeNovo" and "loConfDeNovo" in these samples, but for the "sample62_3R:10209297", nothing changed - neither identified as de novo (1/1 1/1 -> 0/1) nor refined as non-variant (1/1). 

    3R 10209297 . G T 31555.30 . AC=27;AF=0.964;AN=28;BaseQRankSum=1.76;DP=867;ExcessHet=3.0103;FS=0;InbreedingCoeff=-0.037;MLEAC=27;MLEAF=0.964;MQ=59.74;MQRankSum=0;PG=26,11,0;QD=27.37;ReadPosRankSum=-1.314;SOR=0.871 GT:AD:DP:GQ:JL:JP:PGT:PID:PL:PP:PS 1/1:0,24:24:23:71:11:.:.:1080,72,0:1046,23,0 1/1:0,27:27:32:71:11:.:.:1215,81,0:1181,32,0 0|1:16,39:55:99:71:11:0|1:10209297_G_T:1589,0,554:1663,0,483:10209297 1/1:0,73:73:99:.:.:.:.:3285,220,0:3311,231,0 1/1:0,39:39:99:.:.:.:.:1749,117,0:1775,128,0 1/1:0,54:54:99:.:.:.:.:2424,163,0:2450,174,0 1|1:0,33:33:99:.:.:1|1:10209297_G_T:1485,99,0:1511,110,0:10209297 1/1:1,30:33:66:.:.:.:.:1306,55,0:1332,66,0 1|1:0,31:34:99:.:.:1|1:10209297_G_T:1395,93,0:1421,104,0:10209297 1/1:0,49:49:99:.:.:.:.:2199,148,0:2225,159,0 1/1:0,85:85:99:.:.:.:.:3820,256,0:3846,267,0 1/1:0,77:77:99:.:.:.:.:3465,232,0:3491,243,0 1/1:0,75:75:99:.:.:.:.:3375,226,0:3401,237,0 1/1:0,68:68:99:.:.:.:.:3060,205,0:3086,216,0

    [sample order: father - mother - sample62 ... other 11 samples]

    My major concern is the artificial haplotypes and their strange behaviours, how could "HaplotypeCaller" create these haplotypes with a new allele which looks like a de novo mutation. 

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    Genevieve Brandt (she/her)

    Hello Yiguan Wang,

    Here are a few options to run that can potentially help this issue or give insight into why this issue is coming up:

    We want to determine if this is caused by phasing or the realignment by HaplotypeCaller, and those steps above can help narrow things down.

    A couple questions: What version of HaplotypeCaller are you running? And could you send another screenshot, with the bamout organized by read groups and the base context at that site?

    Thank you,


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