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Variant Discovery in High-Throughput Sequencing Data

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gatk HaplotypeCaller gives me an empty vcf



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    Dhara Awasthi

    I am facing the same issue with Arabidopsis RNA seq data. I checked my bam file using ValidateSam command but it did not yield any error or warning. I am not able to understand the problem. I don't think there is any problem with bam file. I am just getting an empty VCF file everytime after using Haplotype Caller. I also used Mutect2 but it's also resulting an empty VCF file with just the headers. 

    Can anyone help me understand the problem? Any suggestions/comments will be of great help.

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    Genevieve Brandt (she/her)

    Hi Marie Saitou,

    First I would recommend using a more recent version of GATK because there were quite a few issues in 4.0.0 that have since been resolved. We are currently in version, which has many great changes.

    You can see more information about our releases here:


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    Marie Saitou

    Will try, thank you very much!

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    Genevieve Brandt (she/her)

    Hi Candace Grimes,

    I'm looking at these screenshots and I'm not sure your issue is from the same cause, since the other two users said that they only had a header and no variants. It looks like there are variants in your file. So there may be a problem with your HaplotypeCaller or SelectVariants commands.

    Can you open a new post to look into that issue?

    Thank you,


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    Candace Grimes

    Yes, I will. Thank you!

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    Siddharth Prakash


    We are having the same issue with HC and Mutect2. I tried to follow this thread but never saw how you resolved the issue. Can someone repeat the answer or point me in the right direction?

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    Siddharth Prakash

    It's not what I'm looking for. My vcfs are truly empty, with just a header.

    My command:

    java -Xmx4g -jar ${GATK_DIR}/gatk-package- HaplotypeCaller -ERC GVCF -R $REF -I ${BAMDIR}/515010.bam --tmp-dir ${TMPDIR} -O ${OUTPUTDIR}/515010.a.vcf.gz --intervals $WORK2/references/xaa.bed

    The output:

    15:05:31.628 INFO NativeLibraryLoader - Loading from jar:file:/work2/03437/sprakash/lonestar/apps/gatk/gatk-package-!/com/intel/gkl/native/
    Jun 21, 2021 3:05:32 PM runningOnComputeEngine
    INFO: Failed to detect whether we are running on Google Compute Engine.
    15:05:32.497 INFO HaplotypeCaller - ------------------------------------------------------------
    15:05:32.497 INFO HaplotypeCaller - The Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) v4.1.8.0
    15:05:32.497 INFO HaplotypeCaller - For support and documentation go to
    15:05:32.497 INFO HaplotypeCaller - Executing as on Linux v3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7.x86_64 amd64
    15:05:32.498 INFO HaplotypeCaller - Java runtime: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM v1.8.0_262-b10
    15:05:32.498 INFO HaplotypeCaller - Start Date/Time: June 21, 2021 3:05:31 PM CDT
    15:05:32.498 INFO HaplotypeCaller - ------------------------------------------------------------
    15:05:32.498 INFO HaplotypeCaller - ------------------------------------------------------------
    15:05:32.498 INFO HaplotypeCaller - HTSJDK Version: 2.22.0
    15:05:32.498 INFO HaplotypeCaller - Picard Version: 2.22.8
    15:05:32.498 INFO HaplotypeCaller - HTSJDK Defaults.COMPRESSION_LEVEL : 2
    15:05:32.498 INFO HaplotypeCaller - HTSJDK Defaults.USE_ASYNC_IO_READ_FOR_SAMTOOLS : false
    15:05:32.498 INFO HaplotypeCaller - HTSJDK Defaults.USE_ASYNC_IO_WRITE_FOR_SAMTOOLS : true
    15:05:32.498 INFO HaplotypeCaller - HTSJDK Defaults.USE_ASYNC_IO_WRITE_FOR_TRIBBLE : false
    15:05:32.498 INFO HaplotypeCaller - Deflater: IntelDeflater
    15:05:32.498 INFO HaplotypeCaller - Inflater: IntelInflater
    15:05:32.498 INFO HaplotypeCaller - GCS max retries/reopens: 20
    15:05:32.498 INFO HaplotypeCaller - Requester pays: disabled
    15:05:32.498 INFO HaplotypeCaller - Initializing engine
    15:05:33.092 INFO FeatureManager - Using codec BEDCodec to read file file:///work2/03437/sprakash/lonestar/references/xaa.bed
    15:05:33.343 INFO IntervalArgumentCollection - Processing 6198806 bp from intervals
    15:05:33.394 INFO HaplotypeCaller - Done initializing engine
    15:05:33.395 INFO HaplotypeCallerEngine - Tool is in reference confidence mode and the annotation, the following changes will be made to any specified annotations: 'StrandBiasBySample' will be enabled. 'ChromosomeCounts', 'FisherStrand', 'StrandOddsRatio' and 'QualByDepth' annotations have been disabled
    15:05:33.413 INFO HaplotypeCallerEngine - Standard Emitting and Calling confidence set to 0.0 for reference-model confidence output
    15:05:33.413 INFO HaplotypeCallerEngine - All sites annotated with PLs forced to true for reference-model confidence output
    15:05:33.424 INFO NativeLibraryLoader - Loading from jar:file:/work2/03437/sprakash/lonestar/apps/gatk/gatk-package-!/com/intel/gkl/native/
    15:05:33.456 INFO NativeLibraryLoader - Loading from jar:file:/work2/03437/sprakash/lonestar/apps/gatk/gatk-package-!/com/intel/gkl/native/
    15:05:33.546 INFO IntelPairHmm - Using CPU-supported AVX-512 instructions
    15:05:33.546 INFO IntelPairHmm - Flush-to-zero (FTZ) is enabled when running PairHMM
    15:05:33.546 INFO IntelPairHmm - Available threads: 1
    15:05:33.546 INFO IntelPairHmm - Requested threads: 4
    15:05:33.546 WARN IntelPairHmm - Using 1 available threads, but 4 were requested
    15:05:33.546 INFO PairHMM - Using the OpenMP multi-threaded AVX-accelerated native PairHMM implementation
    15:05:33.571 INFO ProgressMeter - Starting traversal
    15:05:33.571 INFO ProgressMeter - Current Locus Elapsed Minutes Regions Processed Regions/Minute
    15:05:43.571 INFO ProgressMeter - 1:7895855 0.2 2150 12900.0
    15:05:53.572 INFO ProgressMeter - 1:17599820 0.3 4630 13889.3
    15:06:03.602 INFO ProgressMeter - 1:27995085 0.5 7360 14704.8
    15:06:13.625 INFO ProgressMeter - 1:40661208 0.7 10240 15339.3
    15:06:23.626 INFO ProgressMeter - 1:53723984 0.8 13000 15582.9
    15:06:33.645 INFO ProgressMeter - 1:91297263 1.0 16110 16090.2
    15:06:43.661 INFO ProgressMeter - 1:117127741 1.2 19190 16427.7
    15:06:53.729 INFO ProgressMeter - 1:152282107 1.3 22310 16699.5
    15:07:03.754 INFO ProgressMeter - 1:157789896 1.5 24840 16526.4
    15:07:13.766 INFO ProgressMeter - 1:174670118 1.7 27640 16551.7
    15:07:23.816 INFO ProgressMeter - 1:201982273 1.8 30520 16610.3
    15:07:33.822 INFO ProgressMeter - 1:222711985 2.0 33350 16640.2
    15:07:43.826 INFO ProgressMeter - 1:241846767 2.2 36230 16688.8
    15:07:50.370 INFO HaplotypeCaller - 684519 read(s) filtered by: MappingQualityReadFilter
    0 read(s) filtered by: MappingQualityAvailableReadFilter
    0 read(s) filtered by: MappedReadFilter
    12170 read(s) filtered by: NotSecondaryAlignmentReadFilter
    651896 read(s) filtered by: NotDuplicateReadFilter
    0 read(s) filtered by: PassesVendorQualityCheckReadFilter
    0 read(s) filtered by: NonZeroReferenceLengthAlignmentReadFilter
    0 read(s) filtered by: GoodCigarReadFilter
    0 read(s) filtered by: WellformedReadFilter
    1348585 total reads filtered
    15:07:50.370 INFO ProgressMeter - 2:11332470 2.3 38024 16677.3
    15:07:50.370 INFO ProgressMeter - Traversal complete. Processed 38024 total regions in 2.3 minutes.
    15:07:50.383 INFO VectorLoglessPairHMM - Time spent in setup for JNI call : 0.0
    15:07:50.383 INFO PairHMM - Total compute time in PairHMM computeLogLikelihoods() : 0.0
    15:07:50.383 INFO SmithWatermanAligner - Total compute time in java Smith-Waterman : 0.00 sec
    15:07:50.383 INFO HaplotypeCaller - Shutting down engine
    [June 21, 2021 3:07:50 PM CDT] done. Elapsed time: 2.32 minutes.

    Essentially, all of my reads are getting filtered.

    I ran ValidateSamFile on the target .bam and got this:

    java -Xmx4g -jar ${GATK_DIR}/gatk-package- ValidateSamFile --INPUT $WORK2/apps/baf_analysis/515010.bam --MODE SUMMARY
    15:11:05.400 INFO NativeLibraryLoader - Loading from jar:file:/work2/03437/sprakash/lonestar/apps/gatk/gatk-package-!/com/intel/gkl/native/
    [Mon Jun 21 15:11:05 CDT 2021] ValidateSamFile --INPUT /work2/03437/sprakash/lonestar/apps/baf_analysis/515010.bam --MODE SUMMARY --MAX_OUTPUT 100 --IGNORE_WARNINGS false --VALIDATE_INDEX true --INDEX_VALIDATION_STRINGENCY EXHAUSTIVE --IS_BISULFITE_SEQUENCED false --MAX_OPEN_TEMP_FILES 8000 --SKIP_MATE_VALIDATION false --VERBOSITY INFO --QUIET false --VALIDATION_STRINGENCY STRICT --COMPRESSION_LEVEL 2 --MAX_RECORDS_IN_RAM 500000 --CREATE_INDEX false --CREATE_MD5_FILE false --GA4GH_CLIENT_SECRETS client_secrets.json --help false --version false --showHidden false --USE_JDK_DEFLATER false --USE_JDK_INFLATER false
    Jun 21, 2021 3:11:05 PM runningOnComputeEngine
    INFO: Failed to detect whether we are running on Google Compute Engine.
    [Mon Jun 21 15:11:05 CDT 2021] Executing as on Linux 3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7.x86_64 amd64; OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_262-b10; Deflater: Intel; Inflater: Intel; Provider GCS is available; Picard version: Version:
    WARNING 2021-06-21 15:11:05 ValidateSamFile NM validation cannot be performed without the reference. All other validations will still occur.
    INFO 2021-06-21 15:11:57 SamFileValidator Validated Read 10,000,000 records. Elapsed time: 00:00:51s. Time for last 10,000,000: 51s. Last read position: 1:197,234,413
    INFO 2021-06-21 15:12:50 SamFileValidator Validated Read 20,000,000 records. Elapsed time: 00:01:44s. Time for last 10,000,000: 52s. Last read position: 2:220,497,821
    INFO 2021-06-21 15:13:43 SamFileValidator Validated Read 30,000,000 records. Elapsed time: 00:02:38s. Time for last 10,000,000: 53s. Last read position: 4:68,919,521
    INFO 2021-06-21 15:14:37 SamFileValidator Validated Read 40,000,000 records. Elapsed time: 00:03:32s. Time for last 10,000,000: 54s. Last read position: 6:33,281,603
    INFO 2021-06-21 15:15:31 SamFileValidator Validated Read 50,000,000 records. Elapsed time: 00:04:25s. Time for last 10,000,000: 53s. Last read position: 7:149,076,451
    INFO 2021-06-21 15:16:26 SamFileValidator Validated Read 60,000,000 records. Elapsed time: 00:05:21s. Time for last 10,000,000: 55s. Last read position: 10:409,196
    INFO 2021-06-21 15:17:20 SamFileValidator Validated Read 70,000,000 records. Elapsed time: 00:06:14s. Time for last 10,000,000: 53s. Last read position: 11:87,030,402
    INFO 2021-06-21 15:18:15 SamFileValidator Validated Read 80,000,000 records. Elapsed time: 00:07:09s. Time for last 10,000,000: 54s. Last read position: 13:103,387,827
    INFO 2021-06-21 15:19:11 SamFileValidator Validated Read 90,000,000 records. Elapsed time: 00:08:06s. Time for last 10,000,000: 56s. Last read position: 16:3,652,424
    INFO 2021-06-21 15:20:05 SamFileValidator Validated Read 100,000,000 records. Elapsed time: 00:08:59s. Time for last 10,000,000: 53s. Last read position: 17:56,272,511
    INFO 2021-06-21 15:21:00 SamFileValidator Validated Read 110,000,000 records. Elapsed time: 00:09:54s. Time for last 10,000,000: 55s. Last read position: 19:45,377,091
    INFO 2021-06-21 15:21:57 SamFileValidator Validated Read 120,000,000 records. Elapsed time: 00:10:52s. Time for last 10,000,000: 57s. Last read position: X:591,820

    ## HISTOGRAM java.lang.String
    Error Type Count

    [Mon Jun 21 15:23:18 CDT 2021] picard.sam.ValidateSamFile done. Elapsed time: 12.22 minutes.
    To get help, see
    Tool returned:

    Any suggestions?

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    Siddharth Prakash

    Follow up:

    I checked the .bam file that I used as target for the previous command in igv. This .bam was created from paired end fastq files using the recommended pipeline in GATK 4.1.8, which I had used previously with success. However, the visualized alignment makes no sense. This explains why the sequences were filtered. What is going on? Did my bwa step fail?

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    Genevieve Brandt (she/her)

    Siddharth Prakash yes, I would recommend going back to your alignment and pre-processing steps to check for errors there. Make sure you are keeping the reference consistent!

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    Siddharth Prakash

    I went back to my alignment and preprocessing steps and found no errors. I confirmed that my reference hs37d5 is consistent. This is my workflow:

    module use /work2/03437/sprakash/lonestar/apps/modulefiles; module load bwa/ctr-0.7.17--pl5.22.0_2;module load tacc-singularity
    /3.7.2;module load cutadapt/ctr-3.1--py37h14c3975_1; java -Xmx8g -jar /work2/03437/sprakash/lonestar/apps/gatk/gatk-package-4.1
    .8.0-local.jar FastqToSam -F1 /corral-secure/uth/Sex-Chromosome-Loss/BGI/fastq/511458/V300087608_L02_HUMftlX009649-670_1.fq.gz
    -F2 /corral-secure/uth/Sex-Chromosome-Loss/BGI/fastq/511458/V300087608_L02_HUMftlX009649-670_2.fq.gz --TMP_DIR /scratch1/03437/
    sprakash/tmp -SM 511458 -RG 670 -O /corral-secure/uth/Sex-Chromosome-Loss/BGI/output/V300087608_L02_HUMftlX009649-670.unmapped.
    e=10000000 --interleaved -u 7 -U 7 -j 0 -o /corral-secure/uth/Sex-Chromosome-Loss/BGI/output/V300087608_L02_HUMftlX009649-670.c
    ut.fq.gz /corral-secure/uth/Sex-Chromosome-Loss/BGI/fastq/511458/V300087608_L02_HUMftlX009649-670_1.fq.gz /corral-secure/uth/Se
    x-Chromosome-Loss/BGI/fastq/511458/V300087608_L02_HUMftlX009649-670_2.fq.gz; bwa mem -p -M -t 136 /work2/03437/sprakash/lonesta
    r/references/hs37d5.fa /corral-secure/uth/Sex-Chromosome-Loss/BGI/output/V300087608_L02_HUMftlX009649-670.cut.fq.gz > /corral-s
    ecure/uth/Sex-Chromosome-Loss/BGI/output/V300087608_L02_HUMftlX009649-670.aligned.sam; java -Xmx8g -jar /work2/03437/sprakash/l
    onestar/apps/gatk/gatk-package- MergeBamAlignment -ALIGNED /corral-secure/uth/Sex-Chromosome-Loss/BGI/output/V
    300087608_L02_HUMftlX009649-670.aligned.sam -UNMAPPED /corral-secure/uth/Sex-Chromosome-Loss/BGI/output/V300087608_L02_HUMftlX0
    09649-670.unmapped.bam --TMP_DIR /scratch1/03437/sprakash/tmp -R /work2/03437/sprakash/lonestar/references/hs37d5.fa -CREATE_IN
    DEX true -O /corral-secure/uth/Sex-Chromosome-Loss/BGI/output/V300087608_L02_HUMftlX009649-670.merged.bam; java -Xmx8g -jar /wo
    rk2/03437/sprakash/lonestar/apps/gatk/gatk-package- AddOrReplaceReadGroups -I /corral-secure/uth/Sex-Chromosom
    e-Loss/BGI/output/V300087608_L02_HUMftlX009649-670.merged.bam --RGID 670 --RGLB HUMftlX009649 --RGPL NIMBLEGEN --RGPU V30008760
    8 --RGSM 511458 --TMP_DIR /scratch1/03437/sprakash/tmp -O /corral-secure/uth/Sex-Chromosome-Loss/BGI/output/V300087608_L02_HUMf
    tlX009649-670.fix_read_group.bam; java -Xmx8g -jar /work2/03437/sprakash/lonestar/apps/gatk/gatk-package- Mark
    Duplicates -I /corral-secure/uth/Sex-Chromosome-Loss/BGI/output/V300087608_L02_HUMftlX009649-670.fix_read_group.bam -M /corral-
    secure/uth/Sex-Chromosome-Loss/BGI/output/V300087608_L02_HUMftlX009649-670.marked_dup_metrics.txt --TMP_DIR /scratch1/03437/spr
    akash/tmp -O /corral-secure/uth/Sex-Chromosome-Loss/BGI/output/V300087608_L02_HUMftlX009649-670.marked_dup.bam; rm /corral-secu
    re/uth/Sex-Chromosome-Loss/BGI/output/V300087608_L02_HUMftlX009649-670.fix_read_group.bam; java -Xmx8g -jar /work2/03437/spraka
    sh/lonestar/apps/gatk/gatk-package- SortSam -I /corral-secure/uth/Sex-Chromosome-Loss/BGI/output/V300087608_L0
    2_HUMftlX009649-670.marked_dup.bam --SORT_ORDER coordinate --TMP_DIR /scratch1/03437/sprakash/tmp -O /corral-secure/uth/Sex-Chr
    omosome-Loss/BGI/output/V300087608_L02_HUMftlX009649-670.sorted.bam; java -Xmx8g -jar /work2/03437/sprakash/lonestar/apps/gatk/
    gatk-package- BaseRecalibrator -I /corral-secure/uth/Sex-Chromosome-Loss/BGI/output/V300087608_L02_HUMftlX0096
    49-670.sorted.bam -R /work2/03437/sprakash/lonestar/references/hs37d5.fa --known-sites /work2/03437/sprakash/lonestar/reference
    s/dbSNP.151.vcf.gz --tmp-dir /scratch1/03437/sprakash/tmp -O /corral-secure/uth/Sex-Chromosome-Loss/BGI/output/V300087608_L02_H
    UMftlX009649-670.recal.table; TMPDIR=/scratch1/03437/sprakash/tmp java -Xmx8g -jar /work2/03437/sprakash/lonestar/apps/gatk/gat
    k-package- ApplyBQSR -I /corral-secure/uth/Sex-Chromosome-Loss/BGI/output/V300087608_L02_HUMftlX009649-670.sor
    ted.bam -R /work2/03437/sprakash/lonestar/references/hs37d5.fa --bqsr-recal-file /corral-secure/uth/Sex-Chromosome-Loss/BGI/out
    put/V300087608_L02_HUMftlX009649-670.recal.table -O /corral-secure/uth/Sex-Chromosome-Loss/BGI/output/V300087608_L02_HUMftlX009

    I also viewed the header of the aberrant .bam file. I can't see anything unusual:

    @SQ     SN:1    LN:249250621    M5:1b22b98cdeb4a9304cb5d48026a85128     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:2    LN:243199373    M5:a0d9851da00400dec1098a9255ac712e     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:3    LN:198022430    M5:fdfd811849cc2fadebc929bb925902e5     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:4    LN:191154276    M5:23dccd106897542ad87d2765d28a19a1     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:5    LN:180915260    M5:0740173db9ffd264d728f32784845cd7     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:6    LN:171115067    M5:1d3a93a248d92a729ee764823acbbc6b     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:7    LN:159138663    M5:618366e953d6aaad97dbe4777c29375e     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:8    LN:146364022    M5:96f514a9929e410c6651697bded59aec     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:9    LN:141213431    M5:3e273117f15e0a400f01055d9f393768     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:10   LN:135534747    M5:988c28e000e84c26d552359af1ea2e1d     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:11   LN:135006516    M5:98c59049a2df285c76ffb1c6db8f8b96     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:12   LN:133851895    M5:51851ac0e1a115847ad36449b0015864     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:13   LN:115169878    M5:283f8d7892baa81b510a015719ca7b0b     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:14   LN:107349540    M5:98f3cae32b2a2e9524bc19813927542e     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:15   LN:102531392    M5:e5645a794a8238215b2cd77acb95a078     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:16   LN:90354753     M5:fc9b1a7b42b97a864f56b348b06095e6     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:17   LN:81195210     M5:351f64d4f4f9ddd45b35336ad97aa6de     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:18   LN:78077248     M5:b15d4b2d29dde9d3e4f93d1d0f2cbc9c     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:19   LN:59128983     M5:1aacd71f30db8e561810913e0b72636d     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:20   LN:63025520     M5:0dec9660ec1efaaf33281c0d5ea2560f     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:21   LN:48129895     M5:2979a6085bfe28e3ad6f552f361ed74d     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:22   LN:51304566     M5:a718acaa6135fdca8357d5bfe94211dd     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:X    LN:155270560    M5:7e0e2e580297b7764e31dbc80c2540dd     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:Y    LN:59373566     M5:1fa3474750af0948bdf97d5a0ee52e51     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:MT   LN:16569        M5:c68f52674c9fb33aef52dcf399755519     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000207.1   LN:4262 M5:f3814841f1939d3ca19072d9e89f3fd7     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000226.1   LN:15008        M5:1c1b2cd1fccbc0a99b6a447fa24d1504     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000229.1   LN:19913        M5:d0f40ec87de311d8e715b52e4c7062e1     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000231.1   LN:27386        M5:ba8882ce3a1efa2080e5d29b956568a4     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000210.1   LN:27682        M5:851106a74238044126131ce2a8e5847c     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000239.1   LN:33824        M5:99795f15702caec4fa1c4e15f8a29c07     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000235.1   LN:34474        M5:118a25ca210cfbcdfb6c2ebb249f9680     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000201.1   LN:36148        M5:dfb7e7ec60ffdcb85cb359ea28454ee9     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000247.1   LN:36422        M5:7de00226bb7df1c57276ca6baabafd15     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000245.1   LN:36651        M5:89bc61960f37d94abf0df2d481ada0ec     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000197.1   LN:37175        M5:6f5efdd36643a9b8c8ccad6f2f1edc7b     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000203.1   LN:37498        M5:96358c325fe0e70bee73436e8bb14dbd     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000246.1   LN:38154        M5:e4afcd31912af9d9c2546acf1cb23af2     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000249.1   LN:38502        M5:1d78abec37c15fe29a275eb08d5af236     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000196.1   LN:38914        M5:d92206d1bb4c3b4019c43c0875c06dc0     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000248.1   LN:39786        M5:5a8e43bec9be36c7b49c84d585107776     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000244.1   LN:39929        M5:0996b4475f353ca98bacb756ac479140     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000238.1   LN:39939        M5:131b1efc3270cc838686b54e7c34b17b     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000202.1   LN:40103        M5:06cbf126247d89664a4faebad130fe9c     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000234.1   LN:40531        M5:93f998536b61a56fd0ff47322a911d4b     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000232.1   LN:40652        M5:3e06b6741061ad93a8587531307057d8     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000206.1   LN:41001        M5:43f69e423533e948bfae5ce1d45bd3f1     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000240.1   LN:41933        M5:445a86173da9f237d7bcf41c6cb8cc62     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000236.1   LN:41934        M5:fdcd739913efa1fdc64b6c0cd7016779     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000241.1   LN:42152        M5:ef4258cdc5a45c206cea8fc3e1d858cf     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000243.1   LN:43341        M5:cc34279a7e353136741c9fce79bc4396     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000242.1   LN:43523        M5:2f8694fc47576bc81b5fe9e7de0ba49e     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000230.1   LN:43691        M5:b4eb71ee878d3706246b7c1dbef69299     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000237.1   LN:45867        M5:e0c82e7751df73f4f6d0ed30cdc853c0     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000233.1   LN:45941        M5:7fed60298a8d62ff808b74b6ce820001     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000204.1   LN:81310        M5:efc49c871536fa8d79cb0a06fa739722     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000198.1   LN:90085        M5:868e7784040da90d900d2d1b667a1383     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000208.1   LN:92689        M5:aa81be49bf3fe63a79bdc6a6f279abf6     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000191.1   LN:106433       M5:d75b436f50a8214ee9c2a51d30b2c2cc     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000227.1   LN:128374       M5:a4aead23f8053f2655e468bcc6ecdceb     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000228.1   LN:129120       M5:c5a17c97e2c1a0b6a9cc5a6b064b714f     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000214.1   LN:137718       M5:46c2032c37f2ed899eb41c0473319a69     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000221.1   LN:155397       M5:3238fb74ea87ae857f9c7508d315babb     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000209.1   LN:159169       M5:f40598e2a5a6b26e84a3775e0d1e2c81     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000218.1   LN:161147       M5:1d708b54644c26c7e01c2dad5426d38c     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000220.1   LN:161802       M5:fc35de963c57bf7648429e6454f1c9db     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000213.1   LN:164239       M5:9d424fdcc98866650b58f004080a992a     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000211.1   LN:166566       M5:7daaa45c66b288847b9b32b964e623d3     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000199.1   LN:169874       M5:569af3b73522fab4b40995ae4944e78e     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000217.1   LN:172149       M5:6d243e18dea1945fb7f2517615b8f52e     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000216.1   LN:172294       M5:642a232d91c486ac339263820aef7fe0     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000215.1   LN:172545       M5:5eb3b418480ae67a997957c909375a73     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000205.1   LN:174588       M5:d22441398d99caf673e9afb9a1908ec5     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000219.1   LN:179198       M5:f977edd13bac459cb2ed4a5457dba1b3     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000224.1   LN:179693       M5:d5b2fc04f6b41b212a4198a07f450e20     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000223.1   LN:180455       M5:399dfa03bf32022ab52a846f7ca35b30     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000195.1   LN:182896       M5:5d9ec007868d517e73543b005ba48535     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000212.1   LN:186858       M5:563531689f3dbd691331fd6c5730a88b     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000222.1   LN:186861       M5:6fe9abac455169f50470f5a6b01d0f59     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000200.1   LN:187035       M5:75e4c8d17cd4addf3917d1703cacaf25     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000193.1   LN:189789       M5:dbb6e8ece0b5de29da56601613007c2a     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000194.1   LN:191469       M5:6ac8f815bf8e845bb3031b73f812c012     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000225.1   LN:211173       M5:63945c3e6962f28ffd469719a747e73c     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:GL000192.1   LN:547496       M5:325ba9e808f669dfeee210fdd7b470ac     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:NC_007605    LN:171823       M5:6743bd63b3ff2b5b8985d8933c53290a     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @SQ     SN:hs37d5       LN:35477943     M5:5b6a4b3a81a2d3c134b7d14bf6ad39f1     UR:file:C:\GATK\hs37d5.fa

    @RG     ID:670  LB:HUMftlX009649        PL:NIMBLEGEN    SM:511458       PU:V300087608

    @PG     ID:bwa  PN:bwa  VN:0.7.17-r1188 CL:/usr/local/bin/bwa mem -p -M -t 136 /work2/03437/sprakash/lonestar/references/hs37d5.fa /corral-secure/uth/Sex-Chromosome-Loss/BGI/output/V300087608_L01_HUMftlX009649-670.cut.fq.gz

    @PG     ID:MarkDuplicates       VN:Version:      CL:MarkDuplicates --INPUT /corral-secure/uth/Sex-Chromosome-Loss/BGI/output/V300087608_L01_HUMftlX009649-670.fix_read_group.bam --OUTPUT /corral-secure/uth/Sex-Chromosome-Loss/BGI/output/V300087608_L01_HUMftlX009649-670.marked_dup.bam --METRICS_FILE /corral-secure/uth/Sex-Chromosome-Loss/BGI/output/V300087608_L01_HUMftlX009649-670.marked_dup_metrics.txt --TMP_DIR /scratch1/03437/sprakash/tmp --MAX_SEQUENCES_FOR_DISK_READ_ENDS_MAP 50000 --MAX_FILE_HANDLES_FOR_READ_ENDS_MAP 8000 --SORTING_COLLECTION_SIZE_RATIO 0.25 --TAG_DUPLICATE_SET_MEMBERS false --REMOVE_SEQUENCING_DUPLICATES false --TAGGING_POLICY DontTag --CLEAR_DT true --DUPLEX_UMI false --ADD_PG_TAG_TO_READS true --REMOVE_DUPLICATES false --ASSUME_SORTED false --DUPLICATE_SCORING_STRATEGY SUM_OF_BASE_QUALITIES --PROGRAM_RECORD_ID MarkDuplicates --PROGRAM_GROUP_NAME MarkDuplicates --READ_NAME_REGEX <optimized capture of last three ':' separated fields as numeric values> --OPTICAL_DUPLICATE_PIXEL_DISTANCE 100 --MAX_OPTICAL_DUPLICATE_SET_SIZE 300000 --VERBOSITY INFO --QUIET false --VALIDATION_STRINGENCY STRICT --COMPRESSION_LEVEL 2 --MAX_RECORDS_IN_RAM 500000 --CREATE_INDEX false --CREATE_MD5_FILE false --GA4GH_CLIENT_SECRETS client_secrets.json --help false --version false --showHidden false --USE_JDK_DEFLATER false --USE_JDK_INFLATER false      PN:MarkDuplicates


    @PG     ID:GATK ApplyBQSR       VN:      CL:ApplyBQSR --output /corral-secure/uth/Sex-Chromosome-Loss/BGI/output/V300087608_L01_HUMftlX009649-670.bam --bqsr-recal-file /corral-secure/uth/Sex-Chromosome-Loss/BGI/output/V300087608_L01_HUMftlX009649-670.recal.table --input /corral-secure/uth/Sex-Chromosome-Loss/BGI/output/V300087608_L01_HUMftlX009649-670.sorted.bam --reference /work2/03437/sprakash/lonestar/references/hs37d5.fa --preserve-qscores-less-than 6 --use-original-qualities false --quantize-quals 0 --round-down-quantized false --emit-original-quals false --global-qscore-prior -1.0 --interval-set-rule UNION --interval-padding 0 --interval-exclusion-padding 0 --interval-merging-rule ALL --read-validation-stringency SILENT --seconds-between-progress-updates 10.0 --disable-sequence-dictionary-validation false --create-output-bam-index true --create-output-bam-md5 false --create-output-variant-index true --create-output-variant-md5 false --lenient false --add-output-sam-program-record true --add-output-vcf-command-line true --cloud-prefetch-buffer 40 --cloud-index-prefetch-buffer -1 --disable-bam-index-caching false --sites-only-vcf-output false --help false --version false --showHidden false --verbosity INFO --QUIET false --use-jdk-deflater false --use-jdk-inflater false --gcs-max-retries 20 --gcs-project-for-requester-pays  --disable-tool-default-read-filters false

    What do you suggest?



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    Genevieve Brandt (she/her)

    Siddharth Prakash is your alignment still looking similar to the image you shared above? If so, you will not be able to get results with HaplotypeCaller.

    You can take a look at your bam/sam file before and after each pre-processing step in IGV to figure out when the alignment starts to have issues.

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    Siddharth Prakash

    Hi Genevieve,

    Yes, I reran the pipeline and checked the preprocessed bams.  They all look the same as what I posted. I'm calling bwa/0.7.17. Any suggestions?

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    Genevieve Brandt (she/her)

    You are using -p argument with bwa mem which:

    Assume the first input query file is interleaved paired-end FASTA/Q. See the command description for details.

    Is your file /corral-secure/uth/Sex-Chromosome-Loss/BGI/output/V300087608_L02_HUMftlX009649-670.cut.fq.gz properly interleaved paired-end reads? I noticed it has "cut" in the name, is it a subset of the reads? If so, that could be how you lost the mates.

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    Siddharth Prakash

    Yes, my output is interleaved paired-end. Output is from cutadapt 3.1.

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    Genevieve Brandt (she/her)

    For some reason your reads are not aligning properly with bwa mem and you'll have to look closer into your data to determine where this issue is coming from.

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    Siddharth Prakash

    I am stuck for two reasons:

    1. When I ran this command 6 months ago it worked just fine. I used bwa 0.7.16 instead of 0.7.17 then. I just reran the same .fastq files that I had successfully aligned earlier and got the same mess of an output.

    2. I don't know how to troubleshoot the issue other than to go back to bwa 0.7.16. Do you have any suggestions?

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    Genevieve Brandt (she/her)

    We just provide support for GATK issues on this forum, since this sounds like a bwa issue I would recommend reaching out to the bwa developers. You could also post this on biostars

    I'll see if anyone knows anything about this issue in my team but I can't guarantee I'll be able to provide answers.

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