Benchmarking Mutect2 on tumor only mode
AnsweredI am utilizing a benchmarking dataset to benchmark precision and recall for our pipelines implementation of mutect2 tumor only mode. We found that we can get good recalls, catching between 85- 95% of true positives, but we cannot get a precision above 8% without resulting in recall reducing down to 20-30%
With mutect2 defaults, and gold standard pipeline (learn orientation bias, contamination and filtermutectcalls), we get the following results (generated with
type total.truth total.query tp fp fn unk ambi recall recall_lower recall_upper recall2 precision precision_lower precision_upper na ambiguous fp.region.size fp.rate
0 indels 7990 13270 2443 10827 5547 0 0 0.305757 0.295727 0.315928 0.305757 0.184099 0.177575 0.190762 0.0 0.0 3033630367 3.568991
1 SNVs 7903 18684 1688 16996 6215 0 0 0.213590 0.204660 0.222729 0.213590 0.090345 0.086298 0.094519 0.0 0.0 3033630367 5.602528
5 records 15893 33949 4131 29818 11762 0 0 0.259926 0.253151 0.266788 0.259926 0.121683 0.118237 0.125192 0.0 0.0 3033630367 9.829147
Changing af-of-alleles not in and using fasle-discovery threshold results in a change like so: (Note this was only run on 1 chromosome but manually checked that the percentages are approximately the same for a single chromosome)
0,indels,667,2513,414,2099,253,0,0,0.620689655172,0.583408660615,0.656925787246,0.620689655172,0.16474333466,0.150629848617,0.179628529629,0.0,0.0,248956422,8.43119443611,,/opt/ dream_files/truth_hg38_chr1.vcf SRR2020636_af3_NO_contamination_fbeta0.25.vcf -r /mnt/helomicsngs-s3/Reference/GRCh38/gatk_resource/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta -o somatic_results/SRR2020636_af3_chr1
1,SNVs,676,6106,574,5532,102,0,0,0.849112426036,0.820662650549,0.874580664901,0.849112426036,0.0940058958402,0.0868782432617,0.101518314254,0.0,0.0,248956422,22.22075637,,/opt/ dream_files/truth_hg38_chr1.vcf SRR2020636_af3_NO_contamination_fbeta0.25.vcf -r /mnt/helomicsngs-s3/Reference/GRCh38/gatk_resource/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta -o somatic_results/SRR2020636_af3_chr1
5,records,1343,8976,988,7988,355,0,0,0.735666418466,0.711592644414,0.758725682797,0.735666418466,0.110071301248,0.103722428141,0.116671585458,0.0,0.0,248956422,32.0859367106,,/opt/ dream_files/truth_hg38_chr1.vcf SRR2020636_af3_NO_contamination_fbeta0.25.vcf -r /mnt/helomicsngs-s3/Reference/GRCh38/gatk_resource/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta -o somatic_results/SRR2020636_af3_chr1
How do I minimize the number of false positives that are occurring without sacrificing recall?
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One specific forum thread discusses this topic, please see that post:
Hi Alexandra,
I don't think I can help you with your question, but could I ask you about your benchmarking experiment? We are trying something similar in my lab, and I am wondering:
1) Was this whole-genome, whole-exome, or some other kind of experiment?
2) What depth of sequencing did you have?
Thanks for any help,
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