MergeBamAlignment input files?
AnsweredHi, I am new to RNASeq data analysis but was hoping to use your best practices to look for somatic variants in my data. I have aligned my reads with STAR but now I'm stuck at MergeBamAlignment.
b) What does unmapped.BAM in this context mean?
Am I meant to use the -- outReadsUnmapped of STAR, convert that fastq to BAM and use that alongside my aligned.BAM? Or is it the original BAM file from the sequencer? (To me it sounds like the latter but I just want to double check...) I've tried looking in various forums but have not been able to resolve my doubts and would be grateful for help.
Kind regards
Hi Cora Olpe,
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unmapped.BAM is the output of "RevertSam" task in the RNA germline calling workflow. It has nothing to do with STAR.
Since most of the people use fastq files as the input of RNA germline calling workflow I personally suggest you modify the workflow as follows:
Two fastq files > STAR align > GATK AddOrReplaceReadGroups > GATK SetNmMdAndUqTags > samtools -F 0x900 > GATK MarkDuplicates and the rest of the workflow
Thanks for your contribution to the forum woodword!
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