Funcotator - WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:984456-984456 due to alternate allele: *
If you are seeing an error, please provide(REQUIRED) :
a) GATK version used:
b) Exact command used: (I downloaded and untared the GATK pre-packeged data sources)
$gatk Funcotator \
-R $ref/ucsc.hg19.fasta \
--data-sources-path /scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/in_out/func_annot/in/funcotator_dataSources.v1.6.20190124g \
--variant $execPath/GATK4teste_PASS_targets-file.vcf.gz \
--output $outPath/GATK4teste_func_annotations.vcf \
--output-file-format VCF \
--ref-version hg19;
c) Entire error log:
Using GATK jar /cephfs/scratch/6493700/programas/gatk-package-
java -Dsamjdk.use_async_io_read_samtools=false -Dsamjdk.use_async_io_write_samtools=true -Dsamjdk.use_async_io_write_tribble=false -Dsamjdk.compression_level=2 -jar /cephfs/scratch/6493700/programas/gatk-package- Funcotator -R /scratch/5644370/hg19/ucsc.hg19.fasta --data-sources-path /scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/in_out/func_annot/in/funcotator_dataSources.v1.6.20190124g --variant /scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/in_out/avaliacao/out/GATK4teste_PASS_targets-file.vcf.gz --output /scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/in_out/func_annot/out/GATK4teste_func_annotations.vcf --output-file-format VCF --ref-version hg19
17:06:44.598 INFO NativeLibraryLoader - Loading from jar:file:/cephfs/scratch/6493700/programas/gatk-package-!/com/intel/gkl/native/
Nov 20, 2020 5:06:45 PM runningOnComputeEngine
INFO: Failed to detect whether we are running on Google Compute Engine.
17:06:45.167 INFO Funcotator - ------------------------------------------------------------
17:06:45.168 INFO Funcotator - The Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) v4.1.8.1
17:06:45.168 INFO Funcotator - For support and documentation go to
17:06:45.169 INFO Funcotator - Executing as on Linux v4.17.6-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64 amd64
17:06:45.169 INFO Funcotator - Java runtime: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM v1.8.0_222-b10
17:06:45.173 INFO Funcotator - Start Date/Time: November 20, 2020 5:06:44 PM BRT
17:06:45.173 INFO Funcotator - ------------------------------------------------------------
17:06:45.173 INFO Funcotator - ------------------------------------------------------------
17:06:45.174 INFO Funcotator - HTSJDK Version: 2.23.0
17:06:45.174 INFO Funcotator - Picard Version: 2.22.8
17:06:45.174 INFO Funcotator - HTSJDK Defaults.COMPRESSION_LEVEL : 2
17:06:45.174 INFO Funcotator - HTSJDK Defaults.USE_ASYNC_IO_READ_FOR_SAMTOOLS : false
17:06:45.174 INFO Funcotator - HTSJDK Defaults.USE_ASYNC_IO_WRITE_FOR_SAMTOOLS : true
17:06:45.174 INFO Funcotator - HTSJDK Defaults.USE_ASYNC_IO_WRITE_FOR_TRIBBLE : false
17:06:45.174 INFO Funcotator - Deflater: IntelDeflater
17:06:45.174 INFO Funcotator - Inflater: IntelInflater
17:06:45.175 INFO Funcotator - GCS max retries/reopens: 20
17:06:45.175 INFO Funcotator - Requester pays: disabled
17:06:45.175 INFO Funcotator - Initializing engine
17:06:45.892 INFO FeatureManager - Using codec VCFCodec to read file file:///scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/in_out/avaliacao/out/GATK4teste_PASS_targets-file.vcf.gz
17:06:46.142 INFO Funcotator - Done initializing engine
17:06:46.208 INFO Funcotator - Validating Sequence Dictionaries...
17:06:46.255 INFO Funcotator - Processing user transcripts/defaults/overrides...
17:06:46.366 INFO Funcotator - Initializing data sources...
17:06:46.400 INFO DataSourceUtils - Initializing data sources from directory: /scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/in_out/func_annot/in/funcotator_dataSources.v1.6.20190124g
17:06:46.485 INFO DataSourceUtils - Data sources version: 1.6.2019124g
17:06:46.515 INFO DataSourceUtils - Data sources source:
17:06:46.540 INFO DataSourceUtils - Data sources alternate source: gs://broad-public-datasets/funcotator/funcotator_dataSources.v1.6.20190124g.tar.gz
17:06:48.388 INFO DataSourceUtils - Resolved data source file path: file:///cephfs/scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/scripts/func_annot/clinvar_20180401.vcf -> file:///scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/in_out/func_annot/in/funcotator_dataSources.v1.6.20190124g/clinvar/hg19/clinvar_20180401.vcf
17:06:48.534 INFO DataSourceUtils - Resolved data source file path: file:///cephfs/scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/scripts/func_annot/acmg59_test_cleaned.txt -> file:///scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/in_out/func_annot/in/funcotator_dataSources.v1.6.20190124g/acmg_rec/hg19/acmg59_test_cleaned.txt
17:06:48.686 INFO DataSourceUtils - Resolved data source file path: file:///cephfs/scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/scripts/func_annot/acmg_lof.tsv -> file:///scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/in_out/func_annot/in/funcotator_dataSources.v1.6.20190124g/acmg_lof/hg19/acmg_lof.tsv
17:06:48.810 INFO DataSourceUtils - Resolved data source file path: file:///cephfs/scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/scripts/func_annot/LMM_Path_LP_VUS5-variants-6-12-18.sorted.vcf -> file:///scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/in_out/func_annot/in/funcotator_dataSources.v1.6.20190124g/lmm_known/hg19/LMM_Path_LP_VUS5-variants-6-12-18.sorted.vcf
17:06:48.970 INFO DataSourceUtils - Resolved data source file path: file:///cephfs/scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/scripts/func_annot/gencode.v19.chr_patch_hapl_scaff.annotation.REORDERED.gtf -> file:///scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/in_out/func_annot/in/funcotator_dataSources.v1.6.20190124g/gencode/hg19/gencode.v19.chr_patch_hapl_scaff.annotation.REORDERED.gtf
17:06:49.100 INFO DataSourceUtils - Resolved data source file path: file:///cephfs/scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/scripts/func_annot/gencode.v19.pc_transcripts.fasta -> file:///scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/in_out/func_annot/in/funcotator_dataSources.v1.6.20190124g/gencode/hg19/gencode.v19.pc_transcripts.fasta
17:06:49.602 INFO Funcotator - Finalizing data sources (this step can be long if data sources are cloud-based)...
17:06:49.803 INFO DataSourceUtils - Setting lookahead cache for data source: gnomAD_exome : 100000
17:06:53.492 INFO FeatureManager - Using codec VCFCodec to read file gs://broad-public-datasets/funcotator/gnomAD_2.1_VCF_INFO_AF_Only/hg19/gnomad.exomes.r2.1.sites.INFO_ANNOTATIONS_FIXED.vcf.bgz
17:07:04.976 INFO FeatureManager - Using codec VCFCodec to read file gs://broad-public-datasets/funcotator/gnomAD_2.1_VCF_INFO_AF_Only/hg19/gnomad.exomes.r2.1.sites.INFO_ANNOTATIONS_FIXED.vcf.bgz
17:07:06.162 INFO DataSourceUtils - Resolved data source file path: file:///cephfs/scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/scripts/func_annot/clinvar_20180401.vcf -> file:///scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/in_out/func_annot/in/funcotator_dataSources.v1.6.20190124g/clinvar/hg19/clinvar_20180401.vcf
17:07:06.162 INFO DataSourceUtils - Setting lookahead cache for data source: ClinVar_VCF : 100000
17:07:06.241 INFO FeatureManager - Using codec VCFCodec to read file file:///scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/in_out/func_annot/in/funcotator_dataSources.v1.6.20190124g/clinvar/hg19/clinvar_20180401.vcf
17:07:06.553 INFO DataSourceUtils - Resolved data source file path: file:///cephfs/scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/scripts/func_annot/clinvar_20180401.vcf -> file:///scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/in_out/func_annot/in/funcotator_dataSources.v1.6.20190124g/clinvar/hg19/clinvar_20180401.vcf
17:07:06.641 INFO FeatureManager - Using codec VCFCodec to read file file:///scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/in_out/func_annot/in/funcotator_dataSources.v1.6.20190124g/clinvar/hg19/clinvar_20180401.vcf
17:07:06.805 INFO DataSourceUtils - Resolved data source file path: file:///cephfs/scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/scripts/func_annot/acmg59_test_cleaned.txt -> file:///scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/in_out/func_annot/in/funcotator_dataSources.v1.6.20190124g/acmg_rec/hg19/acmg59_test_cleaned.txt
17:07:06.829 INFO DataSourceUtils - Resolved data source file path: file:///cephfs/scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/scripts/func_annot/acmg_lof.tsv -> file:///scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/in_out/func_annot/in/funcotator_dataSources.v1.6.20190124g/acmg_lof/hg19/acmg_lof.tsv
17:07:06.848 INFO DataSourceUtils - Resolved data source file path: file:///cephfs/scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/scripts/func_annot/LMM_Path_LP_VUS5-variants-6-12-18.sorted.vcf -> file:///scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/in_out/func_annot/in/funcotator_dataSources.v1.6.20190124g/lmm_known/hg19/LMM_Path_LP_VUS5-variants-6-12-18.sorted.vcf
17:07:06.849 INFO DataSourceUtils - Setting lookahead cache for data source: LMMKnown : 100000
17:07:06.884 INFO FeatureManager - Using codec VCFCodec to read file file:///scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/in_out/func_annot/in/funcotator_dataSources.v1.6.20190124g/lmm_known/hg19/LMM_Path_LP_VUS5-variants-6-12-18.sorted.vcf
17:07:06.918 INFO DataSourceUtils - Resolved data source file path: file:///cephfs/scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/scripts/func_annot/LMM_Path_LP_VUS5-variants-6-12-18.sorted.vcf -> file:///scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/in_out/func_annot/in/funcotator_dataSources.v1.6.20190124g/lmm_known/hg19/LMM_Path_LP_VUS5-variants-6-12-18.sorted.vcf
17:07:06.933 INFO FeatureManager - Using codec VCFCodec to read file file:///scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/in_out/func_annot/in/funcotator_dataSources.v1.6.20190124g/lmm_known/hg19/LMM_Path_LP_VUS5-variants-6-12-18.sorted.vcf
17:07:06.937 INFO DataSourceUtils - Resolved data source file path: file:///cephfs/scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/scripts/func_annot/gencode.v19.chr_patch_hapl_scaff.annotation.REORDERED.gtf -> file:///scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/in_out/func_annot/in/funcotator_dataSources.v1.6.20190124g/gencode/hg19/gencode.v19.chr_patch_hapl_scaff.annotation.REORDERED.gtf
17:07:06.937 INFO DataSourceUtils - Setting lookahead cache for data source: Gencode : 100000
17:07:07.011 INFO FeatureManager - Using codec GencodeGtfCodec to read file file:///scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/in_out/func_annot/in/funcotator_dataSources.v1.6.20190124g/gencode/hg19/gencode.v19.chr_patch_hapl_scaff.annotation.REORDERED.gtf
17:07:07.047 INFO DataSourceUtils - Resolved data source file path: file:///cephfs/scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/scripts/func_annot/gencode.v19.pc_transcripts.fasta -> file:///scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/in_out/func_annot/in/funcotator_dataSources.v1.6.20190124g/gencode/hg19/gencode.v19.pc_transcripts.fasta
17:07:14.948 INFO DataSourceUtils - Setting lookahead cache for data source: gnomAD_genome : 100000
17:07:19.003 INFO FeatureManager - Using codec VCFCodec to read file gs://broad-public-datasets/funcotator/gnomAD_2.1_VCF_INFO_AF_Only/hg19/gnomad.genomes.r2.1.sites.INFO_ANNOTATIONS_FIXED.vcf.bgz
17:07:27.620 INFO FeatureManager - Using codec VCFCodec to read file gs://broad-public-datasets/funcotator/gnomAD_2.1_VCF_INFO_AF_Only/hg19/gnomad.genomes.r2.1.sites.INFO_ANNOTATIONS_FIXED.vcf.bgz
17:07:29.088 INFO Funcotator - Initializing Funcotator Engine...
17:07:29.194 INFO Funcotator - Creating a VCF file for output: file:/scratch/6493700/GATK4_teste/in_out/func_annot/out/GATK4teste_func_annotations.vcf
17:07:29.320 INFO ProgressMeter - Starting traversal
17:07:29.341 INFO ProgressMeter - Current Locus Elapsed Minutes Variants Processed Variants/Minute
17:07:35.729 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:984456-984456 due to alternate allele: *
17:07:35.889 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:984491-984491 due to alternate allele: *
17:07:38.838 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:1463337-1463337 due to alternate allele: *
17:07:38.881 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:1463337-1463337 due to alternate allele: *
17:07:38.906 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:1463337-1463337 due to alternate allele: *
17:07:38.950 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:1463340-1463340 due to alternate allele: *
17:07:38.973 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:1463340-1463340 due to alternate allele: *
17:07:38.998 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:1463340-1463340 due to alternate allele: *
17:07:39.708 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:1565596-1565596 due to alternate allele: *
17:07:39.735 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:1565596-1565596 due to alternate allele: *
17:07:39.823 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:1565596-1565596 due to alternate allele: *
17:07:39.856 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:1565596-1565596 due to alternate allele: *
17:07:39.910 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:1565596-1565596 due to alternate allele: *
17:07:39.962 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:1565596-1565596 due to alternate allele: *
17:07:39.996 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:1565596-1565596 due to alternate allele: *
17:07:40.187 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:1565596-1565596 due to alternate allele: *
17:07:40.391 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:1565596-1565596 due to alternate allele: *
17:07:40.535 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:1565596-1565596 due to alternate allele: *
17:07:40.689 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:1565596-1565596 due to alternate allele: *
17:07:40.798 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:1565596-1565596 due to alternate allele: *
17:08:02.106 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:19652132-19652133 due to alternate allele: *
17:08:02.407 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:19652132-19652133 due to alternate allele: *
17:08:02.448 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:19652132-19652133 due to alternate allele: *
17:08:05.304 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:22030121-22030121 due to alternate allele: *
17:08:05.594 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:22030121-22030121 due to alternate allele: *
17:08:05.652 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:22030121-22030121 due to alternate allele: *
17:08:05.727 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:22030121-22030121 due to alternate allele: *
17:08:14.960 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:29016716-29016716 due to alternate allele: *
17:08:14.977 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:29016716-29016716 due to alternate allele: *
17:08:15.034 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:29016716-29016716 due to alternate allele: *
17:08:15.060 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:29016716-29016716 due to alternate allele: *
17:08:21.181 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:32631614-32631619 due to alternate allele: *
17:08:21.212 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:32631614-32631619 due to alternate allele: *
17:08:21.242 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:32631614-32631619 due to alternate allele: *
17:08:21.271 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:32631614-32631619 due to alternate allele: *
17:08:24.379 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:36203722-36203722 due to alternate allele: *
17:08:24.410 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:36203722-36203722 due to alternate allele: *
17:08:24.443 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:36203722-36203722 due to alternate allele: *
17:08:24.468 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:36203722-36203722 due to alternate allele: *
17:08:24.493 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:36203722-36203722 due to alternate allele: *
17:08:24.519 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:36203722-36203722 due to alternate allele: *
17:08:44.626 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:53793511-53793511 due to alternate allele: *
17:08:44.644 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:53793511-53793511 due to alternate allele: *
17:08:44.644 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:53793511-53793511 due to alternate allele: *
17:08:44.644 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:53793511-53793511 due to alternate allele: *
17:08:44.644 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:53793511-53793511 due to alternate allele: *
17:08:44.644 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:53793511-53793511 due to alternate allele: *
17:08:47.890 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:55521906-55521906 due to alternate allele: *
17:08:47.891 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:55521906-55521906 due to alternate allele: *
17:08:47.891 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:55521906-55521906 due to alternate allele: *
17:08:55.000 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:65830297-65830300 due to alternate allele: *
17:08:55.000 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:65830297-65830300 due to alternate allele: *
17:08:55.000 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:65830297-65830300 due to alternate allele: *
17:09:02.525 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:76378359-76378362 due to alternate allele: *
17:09:02.534 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:76378360-76378360 due to alternate allele: *
17:09:02.540 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:76378361-76378361 due to alternate allele: *
17:09:03.710 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:77752549-77752549 due to alternate allele: *
17:09:03.710 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:77752549-77752549 due to alternate allele: *
17:09:03.710 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:77752549-77752549 due to alternate allele: *
17:09:18.806 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:94982785-94982785 due to alternate allele: *
17:09:18.807 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:94982785-94982785 due to alternate allele: *
17:09:18.807 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:94982785-94982785 due to alternate allele: *
17:09:18.807 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:94982785-94982785 due to alternate allele: *
17:09:18.807 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:94982785-94982785 due to alternate allele: *
17:09:30.033 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:109773705-109773710 due to alternate allele: *
17:09:30.033 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:109773705-109773710 due to alternate allele: *
17:09:32.701 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:111890244-111890245 due to alternate allele: *
17:09:32.701 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:111890244-111890245 due to alternate allele: *
17:09:32.701 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:111890244-111890245 due to alternate allele: *
17:09:32.719 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:111893793-111893793 due to alternate allele: *
17:09:32.720 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:111893793-111893793 due to alternate allele: *
17:09:32.720 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:111893793-111893793 due to alternate allele: *
17:09:35.491 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:114449836-114449836 due to alternate allele: *
17:09:35.491 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:114449836-114449836 due to alternate allele: *
17:09:35.491 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:114449836-114449836 due to alternate allele: *
17:09:35.491 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:114449836-114449836 due to alternate allele: *
17:09:35.492 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:114449836-114449836 due to alternate allele: *
17:09:35.492 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:114449836-114449836 due to alternate allele: *
17:09:35.500 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:114449837-114449837 due to alternate allele: *
17:09:35.500 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:114449837-114449837 due to alternate allele: *
17:09:35.500 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:114449837-114449837 due to alternate allele: *
17:09:35.500 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:114449837-114449837 due to alternate allele: *
17:09:35.500 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:114449837-114449837 due to alternate allele: *
17:09:35.500 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:114449837-114449837 due to alternate allele: *
17:09:39.246 INFO ProgressMeter - chr1:118693217 2.2 1000 462.0
17:09:50.541 ERROR GencodeFuncotationFactory - Problem creating a GencodeFuncotation on transcript ENST00000368801.2 for variant: chr1:152195728-152195730(ATT* -> A): Cannot yet handle indels starting outside an exon and ending within an exon.
17:09:50.581 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Creating default GencodeFuncotation on transcript ENST00000368801.2 for problem variant: chr1:152195728-152195730(ATT* -> A)
17:09:50.627 ERROR GencodeFuncotationFactory - Problem creating a GencodeFuncotation on transcript ENST00000368801.2 for variant: chr1:152195728-152195730(ATT* -> AT): Cannot yet handle indels starting outside an exon and ending within an exon.
17:09:50.665 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Creating default GencodeFuncotation on transcript ENST00000368801.2 for problem variant: chr1:152195728-152195730(ATT* -> AT)
17:10:08.828 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:165378735-165378735 due to alternate allele: *
17:10:41.034 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:205561494-205561498 due to alternate allele: *
17:10:41.035 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:205561494-205561498 due to alternate allele: *
17:10:41.035 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:205561494-205561498 due to alternate allele: *
17:10:41.036 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:205561494-205561498 due to alternate allele: *
17:10:46.818 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:213188876-213188876 due to alternate allele: *
17:10:46.818 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:213188876-213188876 due to alternate allele: *
17:10:46.818 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:213188876-213188876 due to alternate allele: *
17:10:46.818 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:213188876-213188876 due to alternate allele: *
17:10:46.818 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:213188876-213188876 due to alternate allele: *
17:10:48.937 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:215916732-215916732 due to alternate allele: *
17:10:48.937 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:215916732-215916732 due to alternate allele: *
17:11:06.443 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:237013551-237013551 due to alternate allele: *
17:11:06.444 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:237013551-237013551 due to alternate allele: *
17:11:38.966 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:246670298-246670313 due to alternate allele: *
17:11:38.967 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:246670298-246670313 due to alternate allele: *
17:11:38.967 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr1:246670298-246670313 due to alternate allele: *
17:12:23.500 INFO ProgressMeter - chr10:15559327 4.9 2000 408.0
17:12:24.584 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:16737157-16737157 due to alternate allele: *
17:12:24.640 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:16737157-16737157 due to alternate allele: *
17:12:24.690 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:16737157-16737157 due to alternate allele: *
17:12:24.735 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:16737157-16737157 due to alternate allele: *
17:12:25.683 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:17204248-17204248 due to alternate allele: *
17:12:25.726 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:17204248-17204248 due to alternate allele: *
17:12:25.758 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:17204248-17204248 due to alternate allele: *
17:12:25.864 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:17204248-17204248 due to alternate allele: *
17:12:25.916 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:17204248-17204248 due to alternate allele: *
17:12:25.958 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:17204248-17204248 due to alternate allele: *
17:12:26.024 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:17204248-17204248 due to alternate allele: *
17:12:26.052 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:17204248-17204248 due to alternate allele: *
17:12:28.010 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:18825193-18825204 due to alternate allele: *
17:12:28.155 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:18825193-18825204 due to alternate allele: *
17:12:28.216 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:18825193-18825204 due to alternate allele: *
17:12:28.250 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:18825193-18825204 due to alternate allele: *
17:12:28.275 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:18825193-18825204 due to alternate allele: *
17:12:28.298 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:18825193-18825204 due to alternate allele: *
17:12:28.429 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:18825193-18825204 due to alternate allele: *
17:12:29.074 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:18825193-18825204 due to alternate allele: *
17:12:29.342 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:18825193-18825204 due to alternate allele: *
17:12:29.369 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:18825193-18825204 due to alternate allele: *
17:12:29.404 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:18825193-18825204 due to alternate allele: *
17:12:32.285 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:22828832-22828832 due to alternate allele: *
17:12:32.470 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:22828832-22828832 due to alternate allele: *
17:12:32.570 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:22828832-22828832 due to alternate allele: *
17:12:35.355 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:25755736-25755736 due to alternate allele: *
17:13:09.706 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:74896743-74896743 due to alternate allele: *
17:13:09.712 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:74896743-74896743 due to alternate allele: *
17:13:09.712 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:74896743-74896743 due to alternate allele: *
17:13:13.843 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:81925798-81925800 due to alternate allele: *
17:13:13.843 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:81925798-81925800 due to alternate allele: *
17:13:13.843 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:81925798-81925800 due to alternate allele: *
17:13:13.843 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:81925798-81925800 due to alternate allele: *
17:13:13.843 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:81925798-81925800 due to alternate allele: *
17:13:13.843 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:81925798-81925800 due to alternate allele: *
17:13:13.844 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:81925798-81925800 due to alternate allele: *
17:13:42.559 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:112044560-112044560 due to alternate allele: *
17:13:42.589 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:112044560-112044560 due to alternate allele: *
17:13:42.590 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:112044560-112044560 due to alternate allele: *
17:13:42.590 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:112044560-112044560 due to alternate allele: *
17:13:42.590 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:112044560-112044560 due to alternate allele: *
17:13:42.590 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:112044560-112044560 due to alternate allele: *
17:13:48.117 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:118466670-118466670 due to alternate allele: *
17:13:52.622 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:124183688-124183688 due to alternate allele: *
17:13:52.622 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:124183688-124183688 due to alternate allele: *
17:13:52.622 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:124183688-124183688 due to alternate allele: *
17:13:52.622 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:124183688-124183688 due to alternate allele: *
17:13:52.622 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:124183688-124183688 due to alternate allele: *
17:13:52.630 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:124183689-124183689 due to alternate allele: *
17:13:52.631 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:124183689-124183689 due to alternate allele: *
17:13:52.631 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:124183689-124183689 due to alternate allele: *
17:13:52.631 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:124183689-124183689 due to alternate allele: *
17:13:52.631 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:124183689-124183689 due to alternate allele: *
17:13:52.638 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:124183690-124183690 due to alternate allele: *
17:13:52.638 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:124183690-124183690 due to alternate allele: *
17:13:52.638 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:124183690-124183690 due to alternate allele: *
17:13:52.638 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:124183690-124183690 due to alternate allele: *
17:13:52.638 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:124183690-124183690 due to alternate allele: *
17:13:52.646 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:124183691-124183691 due to alternate allele: *
17:13:52.646 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:124183691-124183691 due to alternate allele: *
17:13:52.646 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:124183691-124183691 due to alternate allele: *
17:13:52.646 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:124183691-124183691 due to alternate allele: *
17:13:52.646 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:124183691-124183691 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:01.133 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:133954118-133954118 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:01.134 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr10:133954118-133954118 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:05.776 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:640051-640051 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:07.974 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:1481691-1481699 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:07.974 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:1481691-1481699 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:07.975 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:1481691-1481699 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:07.976 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:1481691-1481699 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:07.977 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:1481691-1481699 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:07.977 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:1481691-1481699 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:07.977 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:1481691-1481699 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:35.143 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:26724995-26724995 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:35.167 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:26724995-26724995 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:38.558 INFO ProgressMeter - chr11:27401743 7.2 3000 419.4
17:14:39.015 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:30358033-30358034 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:44.987 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:36425014-36425014 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:44.987 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:36425014-36425014 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:44.987 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:36425014-36425014 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:44.987 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:36425014-36425014 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:44.987 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:36425014-36425014 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:47.360 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:43413158-43413162 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:47.360 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:43413158-43413162 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:47.361 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:43413158-43413162 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:47.366 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:43413158-43413162 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:53.032 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:47267410-47267410 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:53.032 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:47267410-47267410 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:53.032 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:47267410-47267410 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:53.032 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:47267410-47267410 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:53.033 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:47267410-47267410 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:53.033 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:47267410-47267410 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:53.033 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:47267410-47267410 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:53.033 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:47267410-47267410 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:53.033 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:47267410-47267410 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:53.033 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:47267410-47267410 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:53.033 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:47267410-47267410 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:53.033 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:47267410-47267410 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:53.033 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:47267410-47267410 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:53.428 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:47372738-47372738 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:53.428 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:47372738-47372738 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:53.428 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:47372738-47372738 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:59.951 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:57479731-57479732 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:59.951 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:57479731-57479732 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:59.951 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:57479731-57479732 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:59.951 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:57479731-57479732 due to alternate allele: *
17:14:59.951 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:57479731-57479732 due to alternate allele: *
17:15:20.118 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:68773810-68773812 due to alternate allele: *
17:15:20.136 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:68773810-68773812 due to alternate allele: *
17:15:20.137 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:68773810-68773812 due to alternate allele: *
17:15:23.369 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:73670795-73670800 due to alternate allele: *
17:15:27.741 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:76833583-76833583 due to alternate allele: *
17:15:27.741 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:76833583-76833583 due to alternate allele: *
17:15:27.741 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:76833583-76833583 due to alternate allele: *
17:15:27.741 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:76833583-76833583 due to alternate allele: *
17:15:39.026 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:89914894-89914901 due to alternate allele: *
17:15:39.027 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:89914894-89914901 due to alternate allele: *
17:15:39.027 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:89914894-89914901 due to alternate allele: *
17:15:48.519 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:102199611-102199613 due to alternate allele: *
17:15:48.519 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:102199611-102199613 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:04.667 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:118769032-118769032 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:04.667 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:118769032-118769032 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:06.883 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:120175680-120175684 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:06.883 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr11:120175680-120175684 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:24.394 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:6562931-6562931 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:24.394 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:6562931-6562931 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:24.394 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:6562931-6562931 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:24.394 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:6562931-6562931 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:24.394 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:6562931-6562931 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:27.897 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:7805511-7805511 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:31.715 WARN FuncotatorUtils - createAminoAcidSequence given a coding sequence of length not divisible by 3. Dropping bases from the end: 1 (size=451, ref allele: A)
17:16:31.715 WARN FuncotatorUtils - createAminoAcidSequence given a coding sequence of length not divisible by 3. Dropping bases from the end: 1 (size=451, alt allele: G)
17:16:38.108 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:19626322-19626322 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:38.108 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:19626322-19626322 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:38.109 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:19626322-19626322 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:38.109 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:19626322-19626322 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:38.116 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:19626326-19626326 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:38.116 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:19626326-19626326 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:38.116 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:19626326-19626326 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:38.116 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:19626326-19626326 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:38.360 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:20522126-20522126 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:38.360 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:20522126-20522126 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:39.156 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:21201572-21201582 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:39.156 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:21201572-21201582 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:39.156 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:21201572-21201582 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:39.156 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:21201572-21201582 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:39.157 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:21201572-21201582 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:42.798 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:25673079-25673079 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:42.798 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:25673079-25673079 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:42.799 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:25673079-25673079 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:42.799 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:25673079-25673079 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:42.799 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:25673079-25673079 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:47.231 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:30822240-30822240 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:47.244 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:30822240-30822240 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:47.281 INFO ProgressMeter - chr12:30867794 9.3 4000 430.2
17:16:55.950 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:45797401-45797406 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:56.093 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:45797401-45797406 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:56.128 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:45797401-45797406 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:56.176 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:45797401-45797406 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:56.204 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:45797401-45797406 due to alternate allele: *
17:16:56.229 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:45797401-45797406 due to alternate allele: *
17:17:04.669 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:51386528-51386530 due to alternate allele: *
17:17:04.706 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:51386528-51386530 due to alternate allele: *
17:17:04.748 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:51386528-51386530 due to alternate allele: *
17:17:04.777 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:51386528-51386530 due to alternate allele: *
17:17:04.810 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:51386528-51386530 due to alternate allele: *
17:17:04.831 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:51386528-51386530 due to alternate allele: *
17:17:04.877 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:51386528-51386530 due to alternate allele: *
17:17:04.913 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:51386528-51386530 due to alternate allele: *
17:17:04.946 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:51386529-51386530 due to alternate allele: *
17:17:04.972 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:51386529-51386530 due to alternate allele: *
17:17:04.997 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:51386529-51386530 due to alternate allele: *
17:17:05.022 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:51386529-51386530 due to alternate allele: *
17:17:05.047 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:51386529-51386530 due to alternate allele: *
17:17:05.072 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:51386529-51386530 due to alternate allele: *
17:17:05.097 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:51386529-51386530 due to alternate allele: *
17:17:05.129 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:51386529-51386530 due to alternate allele: *
17:17:05.169 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:51386530-51386530 due to alternate allele: *
17:17:05.197 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:51386530-51386530 due to alternate allele: *
17:17:05.238 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:51386530-51386530 due to alternate allele: *
17:17:05.263 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:51386530-51386530 due to alternate allele: *
17:17:05.288 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:51386530-51386530 due to alternate allele: *
17:17:05.313 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:51386530-51386530 due to alternate allele: *
17:17:05.338 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:51386530-51386530 due to alternate allele: *
17:17:05.363 WARN GencodeFuncotationFactory - Cannot create complete funcotation for variant at chr12:51386530-51386530 due to alternate allele: *
17:17:25.784 INFO VcfFuncotationFactory - ClinVar_VCF 20180401 cache hits/total: 0/127
17:17:25.792 INFO VcfFuncotationFactory - LMMKnown 20180612 cache hits/total: 0/0
17:17:25.792 INFO VcfFuncotationFactory - gnomAD_exome 2.1 cache hits/total: 24/1534
17:17:25.792 INFO VcfFuncotationFactory - gnomAD_genome 2.1 cache hits/total: 46/4178
17:17:26.091 INFO Funcotator - Shutting down engine
[November 20, 2020 5:17:26 PM BRT] done. Elapsed time: 10.70 minutes.
java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 545
at java.lang.String.substring(
at java.util.ArrayList$ArrayListSpliterator.forEachRemaining(
at java.util.ArrayList$ArrayListSpliterator.forEachRemaining(
at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.engine.VariantWalker.lambda$traverse$0(
at java.util.Iterator.forEachRemaining(
at java.util.Spliterators$IteratorSpliterator.forEachRemaining(
at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.engine.VariantWalker.traverse(
at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.engine.GATKTool.doWork(
at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.cmdline.CommandLineProgram.runTool(
at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.cmdline.CommandLineProgram.instanceMainPostParseArgs(
at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.cmdline.CommandLineProgram.instanceMain(
at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.Main.runCommandLineProgram(
at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.Main.mainEntry(
at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.Main.main(
Would anyone be able to help me understand why I'm getting these warnings/errors?
Hi Manuela Bonetto, this is a known issue with Funcotator. (See this link for more details). The best workaround would be to remove the problematic variant from your file. You can inspect the output file from Funcotator and find the last variant in the file. Find that same variant in the input file, the following variant is the variant causing this issue.
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