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Variant Discovery in High-Throughput Sequencing Data

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CheckFingerprint (Picard) error message



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    Genevieve Brandt (she/her)

    This is an error with your index. Please check that it was made with the same file you are using now and is up to date. You can also look through your index to confirm that the files you are using match.

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    Heba B abusamra

    Thank you for your reply 

    what do you mean  by "your index" is it  the PBG-561-20R_S6.bam.bai  or reference dictionary file?

    actually the same sample was  aligned and used with haplotypeCaller without any error.

    Also I tried to change the order of contig in the reference dictionary but it didn't work.

    Another question please:

    --GENOTYPES PBG-561-20R_S6.vcf , I'm not sure about the genotypes here is it the genotypes specific for the sample because I'm using vcf file generated form haplotypeCaller  since it has a genotypes

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    Genevieve Brandt (she/her)

    Heba B abusamra The problem could be in your dict file or bai file. Have you indexed your files with the correct file? The error message indicates that there is a problem with matching: 

    Sequences at index 0 don't match: 0/16571/chrM/UR=D:\Data\Repository\Genomes\Homo_sapiens\UCSC\hg19\Sequence\WholeGenomeFASTA\genome.fa 0/249250621/chr1

    You can check out our tool IndexFeatureFile. There is also a similar post on biostars about this issue:

    The most up to date information on how to use CheckFingerPrint and the genotypes file is on the ToolDocs page:

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    Yuan Zhou

    Hi Heba B abusamra,

    Could you please tell me where you download the hg19_v0_Homo_sapiens_assembly19.haplotype_database.txt? Thanks!

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    Genevieve Brandt (she/her)

    Yuan Zhou, it looks like that file is something Heba B abusamra created. You can read more about how to build a haplotype map here:

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