Genome Analysis Toolkit

Variant Discovery in High-Throughput Sequencing Data

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ERROR MESSAGE: No gender data for sample:sample7



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    Genevieve Brandt (she/her)

    Hi termius, what version of GATK are you running? And what tool are you running? We recommend that you submit GATK commands using the gatk wrapper script:

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    using svdiscovery  pipeline for version svtoolkit_2.00.1949 


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    Genevieve Brandt (she/her)

    Bob Handsaker this question is for you

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    Bob Handsaker

    The high level answer is that I believe the genderMapFile is not required, but if you provide one, then it must have an entry for every sample in your cohort.

    If you are getting an error when providing no genderMapFile, feel free to post it and I will take a look.

    If you want to provide a "fake" gender map file for your plant samples, that is fine too. It looks like you are using ./chr1/RUN/metadata/  What are the contents of that file?


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    for ./chr1/RUN/metadata/ ,It's an empty file, nothing.


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    Bob Handsaker

    I would try removing this argument and not passing an (empty) gender map.

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    Minyoung Kim

    Hello Bob Handsaker,


    I am encountering the same error: ERROR stack trace 
    java.lang.RuntimeException: No gender data for sample: 20

    My file is actually not empty and my assumption is that I'm using the wrong gender map file. 

    I was wondering if there was a gender map file available for the HG002.hs37d5 file that I could use? 

    Thank you for your help! 

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    Bob Handsaker

    According to Coriell, HG002 (NA24385) is male.


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    Minyoung Kim

    What would be the format of the gender map file for human data & How would a male gender map file look like? I have an example of a gender map file for mouse data and has two columns with ones & twos -- does 1 represent male & 2 for female? 

    I appreciate your help!

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    Bob Handsaker

    I thought this was documented somewhere, but looks like it isn't!

    The file should be tab delimited, with a header containing at least two column names "SAMPLE" and "GENDER" (they can be any of the columns and other columns can be included, when GS generates one via CallSampleGender it includes extra columns).

    The values for GENDER an be M, Male or 1 for male, F, Female or 2 for female. NA is also allowed for samples with unknown or atypical sex chromosome status.


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    Bob Handsaker

    The SAMPLE column must match the sample name (from the @RG:SM tag) in the input bam/cram files.

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    Minyoung Kim

    This is very helpful! Thank you so much! 

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    Minyoung Kim

    Hi Bob Handsaker,

    I created the map file following your instructions. Here's a view of it:

    HG002 1

    However, I'm still getting the same error: ERROR stack trace 
    java.lang.RuntimeException: No gender data for sample: 20. 

    Do you have any suggestions on what I can do? Appreciate your help!

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    Bob Handsaker

    Presumably you also included a header line in the file, as described.

    Do you have sample with ID "20" ?  That's the sample the error is about, not "HG002".


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    Minyoung Kim

    I was able to resolve my issue! Thank you for your help.

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