Genome Analysis Toolkit

Variant Discovery in High-Throughput Sequencing Data

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Developed in the Data Sciences Platform at the Broad Institute, the toolkit offers a wide variety of tools with a primary focus on variant discovery and genotyping. Its powerful processing engine and high-performance computing features make it capable of taking on projects of any size. Learn more

DepthofCoverage GATK4.1.7.0 -gene-list



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    marta r

    Geraldine Van der Auwera how can I ask help to the team?

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    Tiffany Miller

    Hi marta r , you are doing the right thing by posting here. We ask for your patience and understanding as this is a free support resource staffed by one person right now. We will get to your question in the order it was received. I hope you understand! 

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    Tiffany Miller

    Hi marta r  - I took a quick look. I am no expert on this tool but the "no suitable codecs" message makes me believe something is wrong with your refseq file. Here is some documentation on this:

    I will try to take a closer look tomorrow. 

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    marta r

    Tiffany Miller thank you very much for the help. I think that the problem could not be the RefSeq format: I followed the guideline that you mentioned and I also tried different RefSeq (not only form UCSC) with several features. This is why I thought to a bug in the new version (same RefSeq files work well with the GATK 3) 

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    Tiffany Miller

    Hi marta r I am not able to replicate your error using gatk

    Here are the commands I used and the way I set up the RefSeq file. We need to update the RefSeq doc b/c it isn't clear as to what track or table to use so I will put that on our to-do list. I think what is causing your issue is using .txt instead of .refseq. I renamed my refseq file to .txt and got a similar error as you. 

    gatk \

    DepthOfCoverage \

    -R ref/ref.fasta \

    -O test_DOC -I bams/mother.bam \

    -gene-list intervals/test_chr20_v2.refseq \

    -L intervals/motherHighconf.bed

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    marta r

    Tiffany Miller thank you very much for the help. Now it works, but I have still another question about the output

    This was my command:

    gatk DepthOfCoverage -R /path/ucsc.hg19.fasta -O coverage_name -I /input1.bam -I /input2.bam -I /input3.bam -gene-list /path/genome.refseq --summary-coverage-threshold 5 --summary-coverage-threshold 15 --summary-coverage-threshold 30 -L /path/mybed.bed

    an these the outputs:










    As you can see, I did't obtain the "_gene_statistics" output. Do you know why? Is there any option to add?


    Thank you


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    marta r

    Ah, another point: the sample_interval_summary file was empty (only the header is present)

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    Genevieve Brandt (she/her)

    Hi marta r, it looks like you are using GATK4.1.7.0, and we are actually on The problem with the interval summary file was patched in that update. Would you be able to update your GATK and re-run this tool to see if there is still a problem?

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    Genevieve Brandt (she/her)

    Hi marta r, we are looking into the issue with the _gene_statistics output. Could you please try running the command with only one bam file and see if the output is there? The most common usage is with one input file so that may be where the issue is coming from.

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    marta r

    Hi, we tried with only one BAM file but the output files didn't changed. I will try with the new version GATK

    Thank you

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    Genevieve Brandt (she/her)

    Hi marta r, thank you for testing this. We have created a github ticket to fix this, and you can follow along with the issue here:

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    Genevieve Brandt (she/her)

    Hi marta r, did you get the correct output with the _gene_statistics file when updating to 

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    marta r

    sorry for the big delay! Yes it works fine, thank you!

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    Sinem Selvi

    Is it possible to get transcript numbers of the genes in the sample_gene_summary file?


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    Genevieve Brandt (she/her)

    Hi Sinem Selvi

    The feature you are describing is currently possible but you would need to do some workarounds to make it happen. You could provide a file with a transcript list from the -gene-list argument instead of the normal input gene list. If you can generate that input file in the correct RefSeq format, then the tool should work for you.

    If you want to submit an official feature request to make this a larger part of the tool, please make a new post in the "General Discussion" topic. If many other users also want this feature and interact with the post then we can prioritize adding it.



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