DP/AD in SNP greater than coverage in bamout?
Hello, I have a question: how can the DP or AD at a particular site be (much) greater than the coverage at that position in the reassembled bamout file? I see many examples of this, for example the coverage at a particular site in the bamout file is 2550, but the DP and the AD at that position (where a snp has been called) is > 4500?
I'm using gatk
Thank you very much.
Isn't DP/AD being much greater than the coverage an abnormal result?
Thank you
Hi mk
The reason for my previous post was becuase this has been discussed in the forum in various threads already. For example: https://gatk.broadinstitute.org/hc/en-us/community/posts/360060670091--GATK-v4-1-6-0-Mutect2-bamout-reports-fewer-reads-than-VCF-AD
Thank you. In this post, the difference is 1 read. All other posts i have found discuss the AD being less in the VCF than the original BAM, or similar. In my case, the VCF is reporting AD almost two times as much as the coverage in the bamout: 2550 vs 4500. Here is an example of coverage from the bamout file, and AD from the VCF in green.
Hi mk
IGV downsamples bam files. So maybe the AD you are seeing in IGV is downsampled. Try running a coverage tool on the bam to get the real depth values.
Hi, thank you.
What is shown in the images is a bigwig (coverage plot) of the bamout file (grey), with the AD from the VCF overlayed in green. There is no bam file here.Thank you.
Hi mk
Hmmm that is weird. AD VCF is reporting should not be two times as much as the coverage in the bamout.
- How is the coverage plot generated?
- Can you share a snippet of the bamout and vcf of the problematic region.
Here you is how you can share you bamout and vcf files with us: https://gatk.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360035889671
1) The coverage plot is generated using deeptools bamCoverage
2) I have shared the files in a tarball called bamout_vs_vcf_dp.tar.gz, the bamout.bam file was only 2 MB so I shared the entire file, there are a few examples of this happening in this file, the first 4 snps are examples.
3) Also, all the coverage areas surrounding each snp share the same strange shape shown above, where the coverage increases in a linear fashion (is that normal?)
Thank you very much for looking into this. -
Hi mk
Can you please share the exact command you are using? In particular are you running with contamination downsampling argument? If you are then using this argument should help: --use-filtered-reads-for-annotations
Hello, apologies for the delay in my response, please see command below:
bamCoverage \
-p max \
--bam $bam \
--binSize 1 \
--ignoreDuplicates \
--minMappingQuality 20 \ -
Hi mk
Sorry I wasn't clear. I meant can you please share your HaplotypeCaller command you are using? In particular are you running with contamination downsampling argument? If you are then using this argument should help: --use-filtered-reads-for-annotations.
Hi, apologies, command is below. I am not running with contamination downsampling argument.
gatk HaplotypeCaller \
-R $ref \
-I $bam \
-O raw_variants.vcf \
-bamout haplotypecaller_bamout.bam \
-ploidy 1 -
Hi mk
We would like to debug this issue on our end. Can you please share the original bam?
We think that maybe, regardless of
some filtered reads contribute to DP and AD without appearing in the bamout. These include reads with length < 10 bases, reads with unmapped mates, and reads with mates mapping to a different contig.We would like to test out out our theory, so if you could please share you bam we will look into this further.
Hi, Thank you for looking into this. I have copied a file called mk_sample.bam to the ftp server.
Hi mk
We are looking into this and will get back to you shortly.
mk I'm preparing to investigate your question and I notice that the ploidy is 1. What species is this and what reference is your bam aligned to?
Hello David,
Thank you for looking into this. It's the NCBI SARS-CoV2 reference genome (NC_045512.2). Please let me know if you need any other info.
@mk Bhanu Gandham Genevieve-Brandt-she-her I am unable to reproduce this behavior in the current release. With your command line the DP/AD/bamout depth in IGV of the first several SNPs are
167 G->A 3421/3364/3422
241 C->T 4696/4638/4644
1059 C->T 4938/4756/4803
3037 C->T 3663/3609/3637
Additionally, I only observe the sloped coverage in the first SNP, which is to be expected since it is within one fragment length of the end of a linear chromosome. The bamout coverage mirrors that of the raw bam. All other SNPs had flat coverage.
@mk Please let us know if the issue persists in the latest release.
mk were you able to reproduce this issue in the latest release?
I have traced the source of both issues: it is the coverage plot which is generated using deeptools bamCoverage that is causing the observed slope in coverage and reporting a different (lower) count for coverage. Apologies for the confusion and thank you very much for your help.
mk Thank you for posting your solution so that it can be useful for other GATK users!
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