Genome Analysis Toolkit

Variant Discovery in High-Throughput Sequencing Data

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Developed in the Data Sciences Platform at the Broad Institute, the toolkit offers a wide variety of tools with a primary focus on variant discovery and genotyping. Its powerful processing engine and high-performance computing features make it capable of taking on projects of any size. Learn more

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    David Benjamin

    L. A. Liggett The line "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot construct fragment from more than two reads at. . ." in your stack trace strongly suggests that running the most recent GATK release,, will resolve the issue.  Please let us know if this does not fix it!

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    L. A. Liggett

    David Benjamin It looks like the workspace I'm using was updated to And I'm using v2.7.0 of the Mutect2_PON, but I do not see any way of adjusting the GATK version. Is this something that needs to and can be adjusted?

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    David Benjamin

    The ideal thing to do is to run Mutect2 as a WDL in Terra, not as a notebook.  In that case you would just set the gatk_docker input to the docker.  However, if you want a quick fix to get things working within the notebook, here's what to do:

    The notebook's "Set Runtime Values" section mentions that you need to configure your notebook runtime with the startup script gs://gatk-tutorials/scripts/  Download this script and edit it by replacing the line "GATK_VERSION=" with "GATK_VERSION=".  Upload the edited script to your own google bucket and set the notebook runtime to use the path of your edited script.

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    L. A. Liggett

    David Benjamin I am running the WDL, not an associated jupyter notebook. And I am setting the gatk_docker to `workspace.gatk_docker`. And the field isn't suggesting an input for the docker; how to I refer to it?

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    David Benjamin

    The workflow is referring to a global workspace variable.  You need to set the workspace gatk_docker variable under the "Data" tab —> Other Data —> Workspace Data.  

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    L. A. Liggett

    David Benjamin This seems to have fixed the issue. The job has been running for 2.5 hours at this point so hopefully works. Thanks.

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