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Convert combineGVCF result to GenomicsDB [Repost]



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    Bhanu Gandham

    Hi Jing Yu


    I am not sure if it is a good idea to convert the CombinedGVCF files to GenomicdsDB format. As mentioned in this doc, there is a way to incrementally add new GVCFs to an existing GenomicsDB database, and we do not make recommendations to add to a multisample gvcf created by CombinedGVCF to GenomicdsDB database. I will however, confirm with my team and get back to you.

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    Jing Yu

    Thank you Bhanu.

    The reason why I wanted to do such conversions is a bit exceptional. I have some multi-sample GVCFs from many years ago, with their bams hard-to-trace and their single-sample GVCFs nowhere to find.

    By the way, is there a way to merge two GenomicsDBs?


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    Jing Yu


    Any update on this?

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    Bhanu Gandham

    Hi Jing Yu

    I confirmed with the team and there isn't a good way to add a new gvcf to a multi sample gvcf(created by CombineGVCFs), using GenomicsDBImport. Also merging two GenomicsDBs is not possible either.


    You can however, incrementally add new GVCFs to an existing GenomicsDB database as described here:

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    Jing Yu

    Hi Bhanu Gandham

    Thank you for your reply. What I'm trying to ask is slightly different:

    Is there a way to convert a multi-sample gvcf (created by CombineGVCFs) to a GenomicsDB?


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    Bhanu Gandham

    Hi Jing Yu


    There isn't a way to convert a multi-sample gvcf (created by CombineGVCFs) to a GenomicsDB.

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    JI YUE

    Hi Bhanu Gandham,

    I am facing a similar problem now since GenotypeGVCFs only permit a single input.

    I have several multi-sample gvcfs, and each gvcf file contains 250 samples. Since single-sample gvcf files were created a long time ago and it is really difficult to trace back to find them.

    I tried used CombineGVCFs, but since the total sample size is over than 2000, and all of them are WGS data, CombineGVCFs consumed me one week and feedbacked me a truncated file which is inaccessible.

    Meanwhile, I cannot use GenomicsDB since only single-sample gvcf is allowed as input, but my gvcf file contains 250 samples, which cannot use GenomicsDB.

    I am looking forward to any suggestions for my situation.


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    Bhanu Gandham



    You can use GenomicsDB  to combine your several multi-sample gvcfs and then feed that to GenotypeGVCFs .


    Take a look at this doc:

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    Jing Yu

    Hi Bhanu Gandham,

    I don't think GenomicsDBImport can take multi-sample GVCFs. The article you cited used GenomicsDBImport to import single-sample GVCFs.

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    Bhanu Gandham

    Hi Jing Yu and JI YUE


    Jing Yu is absolutely right. GenomicsDBImport cannot take multi-sample GVCFs, my mistake.  JI YUE it seems to me that combinegvcf is the only obvious solution here. However, I am investigating other options and will get back to you if I find one.

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    Bhanu Gandham

    JI YUE


    1. You could convert the multi sample gVCFs into single sample gVCFs using SelectVariants, as long as you know (or can get) all the sample names.
    2. You could also try running combinegvcf hierarchically, so split the 2000 samples into 20 groups of 100, and run on each of this 100 so all samples are in 20 gVCF, then combinegvcfs on those 20 to get a single combined gVCF.

    The problem with the CombineGVCFs consuming one week and returning a truncated file is weird. Can you please confirm is this issue is reproducible? Also please provide the memory specs of the machine you are using.

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    Jing Yu

    Hi Bhanu Gandham,

    I've tried the first approach and it was error-prone. My frist post illustrated this. Basically, some of the INFO field in the subsetted single-sample gVCF will inherit values from the multi-sample gVCF, such as MQ. This will possibly raise a 'lack of variance' error in the downstream VQSR step, since all single-sample gVCFs subsetted from a multi-sample gVCF will have exactly the same MQ value per site.

    I'm wondering if variance is recorded somewhere in the mult-sample gVCF file?

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    Bhanu Gandham

    Hi Jing Yu


    You are right, the first approach is error prone. We gave this a lot of thought and unfortunately I don't think it is possible to resolve this issue with GenomicsDBImport. We are also learning the limitations of GenomicsDBImport as we go and it seems to us that we need to enable GenomicsDBImport to accept mutli-sample gvcfs. We have opened a ticket for it:

    However, that might take a few months to accomplish. In the meantime, our best bet is to use CombineGVCFs to combine your multisample gvcfs. Yes, it will take a long time with CombineGVCFs since you have ~2000 samples, however this still is your best option. So lets try to resolve the issue you are facing with CombineGVCFs.


    You mentioned CombineGVCFs generates a truncated file, we think this might be due to the tool running out of memory. Can you please provide the log output when you run CombineGVCFs. It will help us troubleshoot.

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    Jing Yu

    Hi Bhanu Gandham,

    Thank you for your anwer and also the ticket. Looking forward to seeing this getting addressed.

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