(How to) Call common and rare germline copy number variants - which bamfile
This is a general question. When using the above mentioned pipeline, which bam-files are you supposed to use. Do you go through the whole, realign, markduplicate, deduplicate or do you use the bamfile you get from your alignment step (in my case bwa mem)?
This is for whole genome germline data.
Hi Bhanu,
That's where I started, I couldn't find the answer there which is why I tried the forum. Since the sample files are just called .bam I assumed that I was supposed to use the raw bam file, but my supervisor thought that I should use the cleaned up bam file, so now I'm unsure.
personally I tested the gCNV pipeline using the bam file created from the BQSR steps. I think that is good practices to run first all pre-processing steps and then use your bam for further downstream analysis.
Thank you for your invaluable input manolis.
Sophie Agger I'm one of the developers of GATK gCNV. We have always used BAMs that are preprocessed using GATK best practices for running GATK gCNV, so I would recommend doing that.
Thank you Andrey :)
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