Discrepancy in Variants called when split by chromosomes and not split by chromosomes
a) GATK version used: 4.6
I have built a pipeline following GATK best practices workflow to call rare germline variants.
I wanted to I wanted to reduce time and so I split the processing at chromosome level - base recalibration(BQSR) and Haplotype Caller for each chromosome followed by concatenation.
When I compared the final concatenated vcf with the one I had processed as a whole, I was able to see that there was a 0.2 ~ 0.5 % difference in the variants called.
Also for the common variants there was a difference in the genotype for a few of them. I have pasted a handful below:
CHROM_vcf1 | POS_vcf1 | REF_vcf1 | ALT_vcf1 | FILTER_vcf1 | GT_vcf1 | CHROM_vcf2 | POS_vcf2 | REF_vcf2 | ALT_vcf2 | FILTER_vcf2 | GT_vcf2 | |
<chr> | <dbl> | <chr> | <chr> | <chr> | <chr> | <chr> | <dbl> | <chr> | <chr> | <chr> | <chr> | |
chr8 | 94857071 | CTT | CT | PASS | 0/1 | chr8 | 94857071 | CTT | CT | PASS | 0/2 | |
chr8 | 94857071 | CTT | C | PASS | 0/1 | chr8 | 94857071 | CTT | C | PASS | 0/2 | |
chr8 | 132907228 | G | A | PASS | 0/1 | chr8 | 132907228 | G | A | PASS | 1/1 | |
chrX | 44334764 | G | A | PASS | 0/1 | chrX | 44334764 | G | A | PASS | 1/1 | |
chrX | 153911252 | CTTTT | C | PASS | 0/2 | chrX | 153911252 | CTTTT | C | PASS | 0/1 | |
chrX | 153911252 | CTTTT | CT | PASS | 0/2 | chrX | 153911252 | CTTTT | CT | PASS | 0/1 |
Is this discrepancy expected?
Does base recalibration and/or Haplotype Caller depend on bases across contigs?
Edit: When I did base recalibration without splitting the chromosomes, but split only at haplotype caller stage, the vcf files are a 100% match. So I can see that base recalibration is not specific to contigs and uses data across chromosomes. Is this right?
Hi Ramesh
You can run BaseRecalibrator on individual chromosomes and combine all recalibration tables to generate a single one for best recalibration results. Differences in BQSR may result in changes in basecall values therefore variant calls may show differences among each run.
I hope this helps.
Hi Gökalp Çelik,
Thank you for reaching back.
So essentially, I can run
1. gatk BaseRecalibrator - for individual chromosomes
2. combine the recal tables into one
3. Run ApplyBQSR for individual chromosomes using same recal table?
I will test the combining of recal table and get back to you.
Thanks again!
Hi again.
Answer is yes. Your results should be equivalent once you have the same recalibration table for all contigs.
Thank you so much Gökalp Çelik!
I used GatherBQSRReports for combining and the final result is exactly the same now.
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