Documentation search yields results for random versions
If I search the documentation for, e.g. "GenotypeGVCFs", I see the following results:
The versions offered seem to be sporadic and unpredictable. What I'd expect to see in this scenario is documentation for the tool in the current version of GATK at the top of the search results.
The problem is worsened by the fact that documentation pages don't seem to have any links to the same function in other versions. The "related articles" list might have a few of them--but without any version clarification, so they're useless for navigation:
You can't even edit the version in the URL, since it just seems to contain a random unintelligible string of numbers before the article title, e.g. ""
REQUIRED for all errors and issues:
a) GATK version used: N/A
b) Exact command used: N/A
c) Entire program log: N/A
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