java.lang.RuntimeException: A required Python package ("gcnvkernel") could not be imported into the Python environment.
Can someone please help with the following error. I am aware there are several solutions mentioned in the gatk forum but non of them seems to work for me.
Thanks a lot.
a) GATK version used:
The Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) v4.6.0.0
HTSJDK Version: 4.1.1
Picard Version: 3.2.0
$ gatk DetermineGermlineContigPloidy -L /GATK4/Homo_sapiens/GRCh38.preprocessed.interval_list --interval-merging-rule OVERLAPPING_ONLY --input ${wdir}/hdf5/SRR3333333.counts.hdf5 --input ${wdir}/hdf5/SRR2222222.counts.hdf5 --input ${wdir}/hdf5/SRR1111111.counts.hdf5 --contig-ploidy-priors a_valid_ploidy_priors_table.tsv --output ${wdir}/ploidy --output-prefix Normal_Blood_cohort
Using GATK jar /GATK4/gatk-
java -Dsamjdk.use_async_io_read_samtools=false -Dsamjdk.use_async_io_write_samtools=true -Dsamjdk.use_async_io_write_tribble=false -Dsamjdk.compression_level=2 -jar /GATK4/gatk- DetermineGermlineContigPloidy -L /GATK4/Homo_sapiens/GRCh38.preprocessed.interval_list --interval-merging-rule OVERLAPPING_ONLY --input /hdf5/SRR3333333.counts.hdf5 --input /hdf5/SRR2222222.counts.hdf5 --input /hdf5/SRR1111111.counts.hdf5 --contig-ploidy-priors a_valid_ploidy_priors_table.tsv --output /ploidy --output-prefix Normal_Blood_cohort
12:49:46.793 INFO NativeLibraryLoader - Loading from jar:file:/GATK4/gatk-!/com/intel/gkl/native/
12:49:46.937 INFO DetermineGermlineContigPloidy - ------------------------------------------------------------
12:49:46.940 INFO DetermineGermlineContigPloidy - The Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) v4.6.0.0
12:49:46.940 INFO DetermineGermlineContigPloidy - For support and documentation go to
12:49:46.940 INFO DetermineGermlineContigPloidy - Executing as beetle@hpc on Linux v4.18.0-425.3.1.el8.x86_64 amd64
12:49:46.940 INFO DetermineGermlineContigPloidy - Java runtime: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM v21.0.2+13-LTS
12:49:46.941 INFO DetermineGermlineContigPloidy - Start Date/Time: November 4, 2024, 12:49:46 PM CST
12:49:46.941 INFO DetermineGermlineContigPloidy - ------------------------------------------------------------
12:49:46.941 INFO DetermineGermlineContigPloidy - ------------------------------------------------------------
12:49:46.942 INFO DetermineGermlineContigPloidy - HTSJDK Version: 4.1.1
12:49:46.942 INFO DetermineGermlineContigPloidy - Picard Version: 3.2.0
12:49:46.942 INFO DetermineGermlineContigPloidy - Built for Spark Version: 3.5.0
12:49:46.942 INFO DetermineGermlineContigPloidy - HTSJDK Defaults.COMPRESSION_LEVEL : 2
12:49:46.942 INFO DetermineGermlineContigPloidy - HTSJDK Defaults.USE_ASYNC_IO_READ_FOR_SAMTOOLS : false
12:49:46.942 INFO DetermineGermlineContigPloidy - HTSJDK Defaults.USE_ASYNC_IO_WRITE_FOR_SAMTOOLS : true
12:49:46.942 INFO DetermineGermlineContigPloidy - HTSJDK Defaults.USE_ASYNC_IO_WRITE_FOR_TRIBBLE : false
12:49:46.942 INFO DetermineGermlineContigPloidy - Deflater: IntelDeflater
12:49:46.942 INFO DetermineGermlineContigPloidy - Inflater: IntelInflater
12:49:46.943 INFO DetermineGermlineContigPloidy - GCS max retries/reopens: 20
12:49:46.943 INFO DetermineGermlineContigPloidy - Requester pays: disabled
12:49:46.943 INFO DetermineGermlineContigPloidy - Initializing engine
12:49:46.970 INFO DetermineGermlineContigPloidy - Shutting down engine
[November 4, 2024, 12:49:46 PM CST] done. Elapsed time: 0.00 minutes.
java.lang.RuntimeException: A required Python package ("gcnvkernel") could not be imported into the Python environment. This tool requires that the GATK Python environment is properly established and activated. Please refer to GATK file for instructions on setting up the GATK Python environment.
at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.python.PythonScriptExecutor.checkPythonEnvironmentForPackage(
at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.cmdline.CommandLineProgram.runTool(
at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.cmdline.CommandLineProgram.instanceMainPostParseArgs(
at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.cmdline.CommandLineProgram.instanceMain(
at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.Main.runCommandLineProgram(
at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.Main.mainEntry(
at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.Main.main(
Caused by: org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.python.PythonScriptExecutorException:
python exited with 1
Command Line: python -c import gcnvkernel
Stderr: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gcnvkernel'
at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.python.PythonExecutorBase.getScriptException(
at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.runtime.ScriptExecutor.executeCuratedArgs(
at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.python.PythonScriptExecutor.executeArgs(
at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.python.PythonScriptExecutor.executeCommand(
at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.python.PythonScriptExecutor.checkPythonEnvironmentForPackage(
... 7 more
Hi Beetle
Have you tried installing miniconda3 and later the gatk environment using the command and the yml file?
conda create -f gatkcondaenv.yml
This command installs the gatk python environment for GermlineCNVCaller tools and NVScoreVariants(new for now. only for and earlier). Without this python environment gcnvkernel and its dependencies cannot be resolved and used properly. Our docker image contains this environment by default and works out of the box. If you are unable to install this environment we suggest you to try the docker image.
I hope this helps.
Hi Gökalp Çelik
thanks for the quick reply.
I found this file :
Is this the same file you were referring ?
I typed the following command:
conda create -n "gatk"
conda activate gatk
conda create -f gatkcondaenv.yml -n gatkChannels:
- conda-forge
Platform: linux-64
Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
Solving environment: failedPackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:
- gatkcondaenv.yml
Current channels:
To search for alternate channels that may provide the conda package you're
looking for, navigate toand use the search bar at the top of the page.
I had also tried this:
conda install bioconda::gatk
but it didn't work.
I had tried with udocker which didn't work. But I don't know if they are the same . I can try with docker.
conda install bioconda::gcnvkernel
- conda-forge
- bioconda
Platform: linux-64
Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
Solving environment: \ warning libmamba Added empty dependency for problem type SOLVER_RULE_UPDATE
failedLibMambaUnsatisfiableError: Encountered problems while solving:
- nothing provides toolchain_c_linux-64 needed by theano-1.0.3-py27hfc679d8_1Could not solve for environment specs
The following packages are incompatible
├─ gcnvkernel is installable with the potential options
│ ├─ gcnvkernel 0.7 would require
│ │ └─ theano with the potential options
│ │ ├─ theano [0.8.2|0.9.0|...|1.0.4] would require
│ │ │ └─ python [2.7* |>=2.7,<2.8.0a0 ], which can be installed;
│ │ ├─ theano 0.8.2 would require
│ │ │ └─ python 3.4* , which can be installed;
│ │ ├─ theano [0.8.2|0.9.0|1.0.1|1.0.2|1.0.3] would require
│ │ │ └─ python [3.5* |>=3.5,<3.6.0a0 ], which can be installed;
│ │ ├─ theano [0.8.2|0.9.0|1.0.1] would require
│ │ │ └─ python 3.6* , which can be installed;
│ │ ├─ theano [1.0.2|1.0.3|1.0.4|1.0.5] would require
│ │ │ └─ python >=3.6,<3.7.0a0 , which can be installed;
│ │ ├─ theano 1.0.3 would require
│ │ │ └─ toolchain_c_linux-64, which does not exist (perhaps a missing channel);
│ │ ├─ theano [1.0.3|1.0.4|1.0.5] would require
│ │ │ └─ python >=3.7,<3.8.0a0 , which can be installed;
│ │ ├─ theano [1.0.4|1.0.5] would require
│ │ │ └─ python >=3.8,<3.9.0a0 , which can be installed;
│ │ ├─ theano 1.0.5 would require
│ │ │ └─ python >=3.10,<3.11.0a0 , which can be installed;
│ │ └─ theano 1.0.5 would require
│ │ └─ python >=3.9,<3.10.0a0 , which can be installed;
│ ├─ gcnvkernel 0.8 would require
│ │ └─ intel-openmp 2019.4.* , which does not exist (perhaps a missing channel);
│ ├─ gcnvkernel 0.8 would require
│ │ └─ intel-openmp, which does not exist (perhaps a missing channel);
│ └─ gcnvkernel 0.9 would require
│ └─ python 3.10.13.* , which can be installed;
└─ pin-1 is not installable because it requires
└─ python 3.13.* , which conflicts with any installable versions previously reported. -
thanks i was able to install after downgrading python3 version.
Hi again. We do not recommend manual installing of components since many of them have specific version dependencies and results produced by different versions of those dependencies may be different from what is expected.
We recommend a fresh miniconda3 install and generating the environment directly from the yml file not by creating an empty one before. GATK versions 4.6 and below require python 3.6 dependent environment with theano and specific numpy versions however requries a more recent one with Pytorch instead.
I hope this helps.
thanks i was able to install using conda environment.
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