Incorrect documentation for mitochondria mode in Mutect2
REQUIRED for all errors and issues:
a) GATK version used: (but also applies to and current git master branch)
b) Exact command used: gatk Mutect2 --mitochondria-mode
c) Entire program log: N/A
I have been trying to use tumour-normal matched samples with Mutect2 in mitochondria mode by manually setting the flags that --mitochondria-mode automatically sets for you (since the documentation says that --mitochondria-mode only allows a single sample).
When testing on tumour-only samples, I noticed that the variants called did not match when manually setting the flags vs. using --mitochondria-mode. The guidance given in the Mitochondria Best Practices Workflow ( and the Mutect2 documentation ( states:
Specifically, the mode sets --initial-tumor-lod to 0, --tumor-lod-to-emit to 0, --af-of-alleles-not-in-resource to 4e-3, and the advanced parameter --pruning-lod-threshold to -4.
From looking at the source code of Mutect2, --pruning-lod-threshold is actually set to -4 * ln(10) and two further flags are also set: --recover-all-dangling-branches true and --annotation “OriginalAlignment”. Furthermore, the documentation also states
"Mutect2 automatically sets parameters appropriately for calling on mitochondria with the --mitochondria flag",
but the flag is actually --mitochondria-mode.
Is the 'correct' value of --pruning-lod-threshold in mitochondria mode -4 or -4 * ln(10)?
Many thanks,
Hi Tom Yates
Yes you are right that we have a typo in our documentation. The correct value is -4*ln(10). We will put a fix for this documentation in the next point release.
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