Clipping both ends with ClipReads
GATK version used:
Exact command used: gatk ClipReads -I in.bam -O out.bam -CR HARDCLIP_BASES -CT "1-5"
I'd appreciate any advice regarding clipping both ends of reads in BAM file with ClipReads.
Running gatk ClipReads -I in.bam -O out.bam -CR HARDCLIP_BASES -CT "1-5" clipped the first 5 bases, but I couldn't figure out how to clip the last 5 bases as well. Setting -CT "1-5, -5--1", for example, resulted in an error:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Badly formatted cyclesToClip argument.
My reads have different lengths, so the number of cycles that are 5 from the end is different for each read.
Hi Chen Leibson
GATK ClipReads does not have that functionality to clip reads dynamically from the ends but needs precise cycle numbers to clip, therefore our suggestion would be to use a different tool. Although we cannot provide direct support for it fgbio's ClipBam tool seems to do the job just as you expect.
I hope this helps.
Okay, I'll try it out
Thank you!
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