Picard CollectWGSMetrics vs QualiMap vs samtools stats
REQUIRED for all errors and issues:
a) GATK version used: v4.3.0.0
b) Exact command used:
gatk CollectWgsMetrics --MAX_RECORDS_IN_RAM 10000000 -R $FASTA -I $BAM -O $OUT
I'm having trouble reconciling the output of GATK CollectWgsMetrics with the output I get from QualiMap and samtools stats for the same BAM file:
- QualiMap claims the mean coverage of the file is 30X
- CollectWgsMetrics claims the mean coverage of the file is 18.4X
- Samtools stats claims that the coverage is 30X
I'm not sure which output to believe nor why I'm getting such different output.
Any suggestions?
These tools all use different thresholds to accept reads for calculation.
Picard CollectWgsMetrics uses the below parameters as default and therefore may end up reporting a lower coverage. You may set both parameters to 0 to compare your results with others.
Minimum base quality for a base to contribute coverage. N bases will be treated as having
a base quality of negative infinity and will therefore be excluded from coverage
regardless of the value of this parameter. Default value: 20.
Minimum mapping quality for a read to contribute coverage. Default value: 20.There are also other parameters present such as COVERAGE_CAP and LOCUS_ACCUMULATION_CAP both of which may affect your output.
I hope this helps.
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