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Picard CheckFingerprint output for mismatches



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    Ricky Magner

    Hi, thanks for posting. I tried recreating your issue with some of my own data but couldn't reproduce it. In particular, I used the same flags as you with a BAM I knew mismatched my VCF sample and tried running. It produced a large negative LOD (i.e. fingerprint mismatch) as expected. 

    Can you share a bit more information about your data and environment? In particular:

    • Version of Picard/GATK
    • The output of `bcftools query -l` on your VCF
    • The RG info view `samtools view -H <bam> | grep "@RG"` 



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    Hans-Ulrich Klein

    Hi Ricky,

    Thank you for your reply. Initially, I used an older version of Picard, but I observed the exact same result with Picard 3.1.1.

    The given EXPECTED_SAMPLE_ALIAS is a valid name in my VCF file. There are 1200 samples in the VCF file, so I won't list all of them here, but everything appears fine to me:

    > query -l rosmapWgsFingerprints.vcf.gz | grep SM-CJGLP 

    The bam file header might be the problem since it does not have the SM tag:

    samtools view -H $bamfull | grep "@RG"
    @RG    ID:76755449_SMA    CN:BI    DT:2024-03-11T18:21:48:-0400

    However, it works when I specify the correct sample in the VCF file (high LOD). It also works when I specify the correct bam file belonging to the sample "SM-CJGLP" in the VCF file.


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    Ricky Magner


    I'm still trying to test this a bit, but can you confirm:

    • If you add a "SM" field to the RG line, does it produce the same error?
    • What do you mean when you say it "works" when specifying the correct bam for the sample in the VCF file? You mean it runs properly when using a different bam but the same VCF? If so, can you also print the RG lines from that bam so I can see?


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    Ricky Magner

    I did take a look at the code, and it does seem like there's a step early on where the SM tag value is extracted from the RG and fed to a bunch of functions later on, most likely leading to your `null / null` output, as opposed to e.g. I saw `Read Group: null / SM-MOKH1 vs. HG002` in my log (for my files). In that sense I'm optimistic adding an SM value to your bam RGs would "fix" this issue, but if it does work it'd certainly be a bug in the tool we'd have to look into.

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