Genome Analysis Toolkit

Variant Discovery in High-Throughput Sequencing Data

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Developed in the Data Sciences Platform at the Broad Institute, the toolkit offers a wide variety of tools with a primary focus on variant discovery and genotyping. Its powerful processing engine and high-performance computing features make it capable of taking on projects of any size. Learn more

GATK haplotype caller struggling to find variant that exists



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    Joseph Thorpe

    Just to add, changing the mapping quality for that read to be above 20 then HC will call the variant, so the paramaters --disable-read-filter doesnt seem to do anything. In the original post I didnt put in the MappingQualityFilter disable but I have tried it and it still doesnt call that SNP

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    James Emery

    We have some generic advice for finding missing variants in the HC here: 

    Your note about the mapping quality is likely instructive here. There is another argument we use in the HaplotypeCaller to change the mapping quality threshold that actually gets emitted to the genotyper: `--mapping-quality-threshold-for-genotyping` which defaults to 20. We generally consider reads with sub 20 MQ to be suspect and don't normally emit them for calling as there is a very high likelihood of false positives. In DRAGEN-GATK we added an algorithm called Base Quality Dropout (BQD) that attemtps to factor in mapping quality into the genotyper to rescue more low quality reads if there is strong evidence. 

    You could try the argument `--dragen-mode` or `--dragen-378-concordance-mode` that lowers the above threshold and activates `-bqd`. If you want to only run with this algorithm and not the other dragen algorithms you should include the following arguments in tandem and you might see good results though this is not a tested path and we only vouch for the full DRAGEN-GATK codepaths.

    --minimum-mapping-quality 1
    --mapping-quality-threshold-for-genotyping 1


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    Joseph Thorpe

    Thank very much this worked

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