Can funcotator remove mutation data from dbsnp
REQUIRED for all errors and issues:
a) GATK version used:
b) Exact command used:
gatk Funcotator \
-R $ref/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta \
-V ../${array[1]}.filter.vcf \
-O ${array[1]}.maf \
--output-file-format MAF \
--data-sources-path Funcotator_data/funcotator_dataSources.v1.7.20200521s/ \
--ref-version hg38 \
--annotation-default tumor_barcode:${array[1]} \
--annotation-default normal_barcode:${array[0]}
c) Entire program log:
Hi, I use funcotator to call somatic mutations as mentioned above. Can funcotator remove the mutation data in dbsnp by default? or I need extra removal? Is there a parameter to remove these mutations?
Hi Luo Hao,
If you want to remove known germline variants from your callset, you can either do this while running a somatic caller such as Mutect2, or post-calling using a tool like SelectVariants. Funcotator itself cannot do this, as it assumes that you've already filtered your callset using one of these other tools.
Hi David,
I run Mutect2 before running Funcotator as follows:
gatk Mutect2 \
-R $ref/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta \
-I ${array[0]}.sort.dedup.baserecal.bam \
--tumor-sample ${array[0]} \
--germline-resource af-only-gnomad.hg38.vcf.gz \
--af-of-alleles-not-in-resource 0.0000025 \
--panel-of-normals 1000g_pon.hg38.vcf.gz \
--output ${array[0]}.vcf
gatk FilterMutectCalls \
-R $ref/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta \
-V ${array[0]}.vcf \
-O ${array[0]}.filter.vcfI am not sure could the "--germline-resource af-only-gnomad.hg38.vcf.gz" parameter remove the dbsnp site or I need to do something extra?
Hi Luo Hao , if your intention was to remove germline variants as David previously mentioned, the gnomAD germline resource should work fine. It should even be a more thorough resource than dbSNP in terms of the number of samples, number of variants, better allele frequencies, etc. so you shouldn't need to do anything extra. Of course, if you do see a variant that you believe shouldn't be there, let us know.
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