Genome Analysis Toolkit

Variant Discovery in High-Throughput Sequencing Data

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Developed in the Data Sciences Platform at the Broad Institute, the toolkit offers a wide variety of tools with a primary focus on variant discovery and genotyping. Its powerful processing engine and high-performance computing features make it capable of taking on projects of any size. Learn more

Dragen-mode seems dangerous



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    Luc Marchand

    More info on the subject.  I had followed the steps described here:

    There is no Markduplicate steps listed.  However if I look at the pipeline here:

    There is the MarkDuplicates step between aligning the reads and the HaplotypeCaller step.  If I add that step, I do get the proper call with Dragen-mode activated.  Cased closed? No.  The same library was sequenced again, analysed with the right processing steps, does not even get the position called allthough the bam looks exactly the same as the previous one on IGV.  Removing the switch --Dragen-mode of the command line retrieves the variant call.

    Running both sequencing of that sample in the actual physical Dragen pipeline (with FPGA) retrieves the variant in both cases.  They are supposed to be functionnaly equivalent but currently are not.

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    Hi Luc Marchand

    Latest advancements within HaplotypeCaller engine brings the pileup caller in combination with local assembly and realignment. DRAGEN uses both methods simultaneously to generate its calls but such advancements are making their way into the opensource GATK HaplotypeCaller just recently. It may be better if you can also use the latest version of the tools and try getting these calls. 

    --pileup-detection <Boolean>  If enabled, the variant caller will create pileup-based haplotypes in addition to the
                                  assembly-based haplotype generation.  Default value: false. Possible values: {true, false}

    I hope this helps. 



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    James Emery

    Hello Luc Marchand.
    I would like to add one more suggestion for things to try to recover variants. In the recent GATK release we included a lot of work improving the DRAGEN-GATK codebase accuracy and compatability. As part of that tool we created a new arument to support that:


    This includes a significantly improved version of the "pileup-detection" mode that SkyWarrior suggested as well as other changes and bugfixes that should help improve the accuracy of calling overall. It is more likely to output the variant in your case. 

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    Luc Marchand

    Thanks both for the answers.  I will test those new switches / features as soon as I can.

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