VariantFiltration filtering all SNPs for all samples to missing
REQUIRED for all errors and issues:
a) GATK version used:
b) Exact command used:
I am using VariantFiltration to filter out SNPs that have a value lower then 10. What I see happening is that rows that do not have GQ in their FORMAT are also filtered and put to no-call. Is this the expected behavior? I would expect that the rows that do not have GQ in their FORMAT that they are skipped and stay the same value as they should be.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Wiebe Kooistra,
Given that there is an optional argument `missing-values-evaluate-as-failing` to turn on the behavior of filtering out missing values, no I do not think this is expected behavior. I'll ask the team to take a look.
Hey Laura Gauthier
Thanks for looking into this :).
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